The weight has never cut this deep......

Hi MFP Pals,

I need some help. I put on a lot of weight due to stress & not dealing with issues in my life. I would eat to numb the pain of things I felt. Well that back fired and now I'm dealing with the issues & the weight.

Here's the thing. Even though the weight has been there, it's never really affected me more then just a cosmetic level. Clothes, other people's judgement, theme parks, seat belts... you get the point.

But now something has happened in my life and the weight has cut much deeper. It's become something much bigger. I lived in ignorant bliss for so long and just pretended it wasn't an issue. But now, I can no longer ignore it. It's literally ruining my life and relationship. And yet, I just can't seem to find my motivation to really make it go away once and for all.

So I'm asking for some guidence on how to get perspective and find a way to find the girl I buried a long time ago. I'm tired of living in fear. I feel like I'm late for my life.


  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    you just found your motivation. You aren't able to ignore it this time and you said you feel like you are late for your life.

    The first step is always facing it head on. Sounds like you did that, now don't ignore it or grab some cookies to make it go away. Take it out and examine it and try to find some answers as to why you have always done this and make a plan to change it. When I started I logged everything I ate for a week to see how much I was actually eating. Then I looked at it honestly and found where I could have done better and picked a number for how many calories to eat a week and started doing it. It was bumpy and changed a lot over the 3 years I spent losing weight but once I started I never ever stopped. Good luck!
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I was there. I started my weight loss journey about 6 months ago and I started 1 step at a time. I started counting my calories to see how much I was actually eating. I found that by counting I would feel guilty if I ate something bad so it actually helped just by putting it down on paper (so to speak). I also decided to watch when I would eat out of boredom or depression and I got a book on how to become organized in 1 year. I decided to redirect my need to distract my mind to organizing instead of eating. This helped a little too. Then I started to set weight loss goals and stick to a specific calorie goal. I still am trying to eat healthier and to exercise, but these are a bit harder for me.
    I suggest you set small goals, count your calories, and find a new way to cope with your emotions other than food. It could be going for a walk, journaling, exercising, cleaning, scrapbooking, reading. Then work on the harder goals of actual weight loss and getting healthier. Good luck!