It's a survey-for fun :)

denton Posts: 14 Member
So my best friend and I since, well, a long time ago, have been discussing Causes a lot these days. It seems like there is a cause for anything you can think of, but we wonder, "are people really interested in just 'anything' or are donators likely to focus on a group or particular interest overall?" Well, this led to more questions and a determination to find answers. So, we made an anonymous survey and are hoping that people will also be curious to know the answers. (This may be useful information in deciding where I donate my own funds!)

So, if you have a moment, this survey is less than 10 questions. Post on this conversation if you were wondering about these things too and I will be sure to get the answers back here as soon as we close the survey! (I think you have to copy and paste the link)

Thanks in advance for participating in our silly antics :P
