Check out my diary -- what to eat to stay full?

zaiikaa Posts: 112
edited 2:18AM in Food and Nutrition
Hi guys,

I've been exercising and watching what I eat for about 5-6 weeks now, and have lost 5lbs. I'm doing 1400 calories/day (roughly my maintenance calories minus 500 per day) and eating my exercise calories. I exercise 3-6 times per week (ballet, walking, a little jogging, stationary bike). My diet has been pretty good, I think--I do have a sweet tooth but I try to keep my portions small of sweets. I also eat at fast foods once in a while but also try to keep portions small. I eat 3 smallish meals and have 2-3 snacks a day, so I'm eating throughout the day. I don't log my water, but 4-8 glasses.

My problem as of late is constant hunger. I just had pasta salad (should be filling?) and I've been hungry since I sat the fork down (two hours ago). If you could look at my food diary and make any suggestions, it would be appreciated. I don't know much about nutrition or anything, so I'm wondering if I'm eating non-filling calories or something.



  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    Try upping your protein, you aren't getting enough. Add egg whites to your breakfast and see if that helps. You might want to try a smoothie with whey protein in the mid afternoon.
  • I agree that you should try getting more protein into your breakfast to help and maybe add a small snack before lunch like some almonds or walnuts and some berries. Greek yogurt is a good source of protein as are eggs.
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    I don't get filled off of pasta either. I'll get hungry shortly after. That's because pasta is refined carbs, perhaps it'll fill you initially but refined carbs and sugars will give you an insulin spike, which is always followed by a crash which usually doesn't take long. So now you're hungry again because you're lacking energy and need more food. I'm pre-diabetic so, out of fear of developing full blown diabetes, I started cracking down on my diet, trying to avoid any foods that cause insulin spikes and eating foods that keep my blood sugar balanced. This is not only good for diabetics but anyone trying to control their hunger because very often it's bad foods that cause insulin spikes that make us so hungry even after eating. Foods that are really good for keeping you satisfied are foods high in protein ofcourse, but especiallyyy foods high in fiber. I feel like everyone ignores fiber, they don't care about it because they think... I don't have trouble with my bowels (sorry! lol), I'm not old, what do I care about fiber? Fiber is a pretty important aspect of diet for weight loss but it's always forgotten about. I have a friend who can devour food like you've never seen. She's always hungry and is seemingly insatiable, but I made her a sandwich with high fiber whole grain bread, about 1/4 cup organic baby spinach leaves, 1 oz of tuna, and about half a tomato, and she wasn't hungry for like 5 hours. So definitely look for fiber in the foods you eat. Fruits and veggies are also great sources of fiber. =D And if you're going to eat pasta or breads, at the very least stick to either whole wheat or whole grain, preferably whole grain, because they're not refined and won't cause the insulin spikes which are what make you so hungry after eating. Hope this was of some help! =D
  • tbrown1025
    tbrown1025 Posts: 165
    I don't eat pasta much either; it makes me feel full, but doens't feel me up. But yes, as mentioned, eat whole grain or whole wheat pastas. I like to use spaghetti squash, spiralized zuchinni, or even quinoa in place of noodles in traditional pasta dishes. And like other posters, I'd suggest more protein, especially with your carb heavy meals. I generally try to not eat carbs without protein. If you enjoy the Luna bars, you could switch to their protein bars, and that might help give you a little protein boost.
    I struggle with protein because I don't eat a lot of meat, but I can dig on a protein smoothie. I use protein powders in them or even peanut flour for a yummy peanut butter-y taste. ;)
    I might even suggest drinking more water. I don't see your sodium amounts, but a lot of the pre-packaged goodies as well as the fast food will add up quickly, so off setting that with water would help. Good luck!
  • mer2016
    mer2016 Posts: 4
    Try drinking two big tall glasses of water and just as another poster mentioned- staying away from refined carbs and moving towards quinoa, brown rice, or oats for carbs. Fresh fruit also supplies a blast of carbohydrates and can be quite filling. Since I've been drinking a gallon of water a day my skin has been really nice and my hunger pains have stayed away.
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    You consume soooo much sugar. Obviously it's not a ridiculous amount, but compared to the lack of substance foods you're eating, the ice cream, the jam, the snickers, etc. will just make you feel hungrier, especially if it's processed foods. Carbs for breakfast will also make you feel hungry. (Not to sound preachy b/c I definitely love my processed sweets and carbs, but there should be more moderation). I caution against the consumption of reduced fat, sugar-free, etc. foods because they just replace the crap they're leaving out with something else. It may look better nutritionally, but the ingredients are garbage. If you want chocolate or something sweet, go for something all natural. Compensate for the high-calorie content by eating less of it. Try this: ...They taste sooooo good, they're all natural, and I use 'em to make a breakfast sandwich sometimes.

    Everyone's right - you need more protein, especially for breakfast. I would reduce or the amount carbs for breakfast and eat some eggs/egg whites and turkey/pork sausage. Make an English muffin sandwich! (I noticed you like E. muffins). More veggies, more protein, less fruit, less junk.

    You definitely should be drinking at least 2 liters of water a day. I drink at least a glass/bottle before and after each snack and meal. That's a bit excessive, but I workout a lot... The point is, it does fill in the gaps and makes you feel fuller.
  • electromg
    electromg Posts: 70 Member
    Black beans help! I'm personally going to start getting them with low sodium and eat at least a can a day.
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    Thanks everyone! SUPER helpful!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I think that overall you are eating well. Better than a lot of people I know, that's for sure. It looks like you are making good choices and trying to get your fruits and vegetables in.

    Personally, I think you are eating way to few calories for breakfast. When I eat less than 300 calories for breakfast, it sets me up for a hungry day. I don't know if you like hard boiled eggs or scrambled eggs, but they really will stick to your ribs.

    I'm like you, I like my ice cream. Since that's my only food "vice" and I make sure I have enough calories to be able to enjoy a serving, I don't feel the least bit guilty, and neither should you.
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