Been here a week, time to say Hi!!


I have been here a week now so I figured it was time to say hello... My mother has used this site for a few months and not only has she seen tremendous success, but she has met some truly inspirational and remarkable people. I figured that it was time for me to see what this is all about. I've been blown away by how extensive the site is, and tracking my food intake has not only shown me how poorly I've been eating, but has also shed a rather unpretty light on my spending habits as well (I've been spending a ton at restaurants and cafes!!!)...

Hit me up!! I'm looking for some motivated people!


  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Hi and welcome! You can find all the support you've ever wanted or needed here :) Feel free to add me if you like.
  • oldscratch
    oldscratch Posts: 146
    welcome and good luck!!! feel free to add me
  • Sweetpea472
    Sweetpea472 Posts: 229 Member
    Hi! I've come to really love this site & the people I've "met" here! WELCOME!
  • kmapmp
    kmapmp Posts: 5
    Hey! it took me a week to talk with people and get that I have a few it's def helping with motivation and advice! Add me if you would like!!
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    Welcome this is a wonderful place to be.. so much motivation.. good luck on your journey :)
  • cathyg18
    cathyg18 Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me as well. :smile: Good luck with your journey. :happy: