Godddd I am STARVING!!!!!

yalmira82 Posts: 37
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
Okay so today really sucks. I have been doing good at staying at my calorie goal, but last night I went to bed hungry and woke up starving. I ate my normal breakfast...still starving! Waited til I normally eat my snack ( well okay...bumped it up 30 minutes) STill STArving! Waited til lunch time (ate my normal lunch and drank 8 oz. of water). STILL FREAKIN" STARVING!!!! Man ohhh man...i WISH MY HUNGER WOULD GO AWAY!!!! I just ate lunch and I am already ready for dinner. This is not like me. It really stinks.....


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I have a huge bottle of water that I fill and suck on throughout the day. This is pretty much the only way I make it between meals.
  • candykay89
    candykay89 Posts: 110 Member
    Maybe you should eat more whole grain and fiber. Protein is also great at keeping you fuller longer. Hope this helps.
  • shellybsn
    shellybsn Posts: 57 Member
    Some days you just need a little more to eat! If you've had some water and you know it's not thirst being confused for hunger, then EAT SOMETHING. Grab a healthy snack (maybe some apples with a little p-nut butter) and quit denying your body something it is obviously needing today!
  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    When I feel like this I eat some Oikos Greek Caramel yogurt. It is full of protein so it helps fill me up. I also find Pistchaio's very filling! but I have days where ALL I wanna do is EAT!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    if you're that hungry, you should eat. by not eating when your body tells you to, you are slowing down your matabolism.
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Get some fresh fruits and veggies and pig out!!!!!
    (Provided that you've met your calorie goal and checked for protein, carb, and fiber deficiencies...)
  • TheDeviation
    TheDeviation Posts: 149
    There's always casein. That will keep you full and it (can be) tasty.
  • I eat alot of fruit and protien. Like Greek yogurt or a weight watchers meal bar, but you have to watch the sodium in the bars. If I'm still starving I usually eat fruit and if I go over my calories, I don't usually worry about it since it was a healthy choice. If your hungry, I would suggest you eat something but a healthier option, or you may choice a less healthy option just to fill that void. Hope this helps!!
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I'm having the exact same day. So weird.
  • dida0721
    dida0721 Posts: 107 Member
    1/2 cup of plain orginal fiber one cereal. I just eat it plain, no milk. 14 grams of fiber for only 60 calories. I combine this with drinking about 16 oz of water. Helps me feel full for a long time. I never leave the house without a baggie in my purse.
  • if you're that hungry, you should eat. by not eating when your body tells you to, you are slowing down your matabolism.

    Agreed! You have to keep your metabolism going and the best way to do that is to eat when you feel hungry. Don't feel guilty for one day of a few extra calories...sometimes those days really jump start your metabolism and make for a really successful weigh-in at the end of the week! :)
  • yalmira82
    yalmira82 Posts: 37
    Okay IU put my food diary open. Go check it out and tell me what I am doing wrong. I eatnothing but vegies and I do eat fruit everyday. I am a health nut in that way. I eat meat for lunch and dinner....So yeah I need to start drinking more water...so what do you think????
  • mamasita38
    mamasita38 Posts: 28
    If I'm correct, you have 499 calories left in your day.
    Eat them!
    Don't starve yourself.
    Chicken breast thrown in with some salad is a great low cal. meal. Plus, the protein will help fill you up.
    Drink some water, maybe try a sugar free ice tea.
    Cheese, some more fruit. Try that.
  • marulm
    marulm Posts: 26 Member
    Looking at your food diary, I would suggest you change your food goal ratios to more protein, less carbs. Eat some protein at breakfast, the non-fat milk is just not enough. Perhaps throw some nuts into your cereal if that's what you have to eat (I would suggest healthier cereal). I know you are talking about today, but almost every day you cut yourself short of calories, you just can't get all the proper nutrients your body needs to be healthy with that limited amount. Good job for working hard at being the best for your daughter, and keep asking and checking out what the healthiest ways are.
  • sue567
    sue567 Posts: 128
    Drink lots of water and eat foods that are not easily digestible nd are high in fiber like .. Black beans, Chicken ...... it would really help nd you'll feel fuller for a longer time...
  • Aross83
    Aross83 Posts: 936 Member
    I eat Egg Whites or regular eggs for breakfast everyday. I just mix up what i put in them. I find i not as hungry as if i ate a multigrain think with peanut butter,, go for protein... and keep lots of fruits and veggies so snack on. nothing wrong with that..
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Looked at your diary and it's not surprising that you're hungry all the time.

    You're eating a lot of carbs and getting very little of your calories from proteins. Carbs are processed very quickly, fiber takes longer, and protein longer still.

    Check out my diary and you'll see two items that are very different than yours — I've been eating far less than you (I generally eat <1000 cals/day) but I'm eating much more protein. In the 200 days that I've been here on MFP, I've been hungry maybe a handful of times.
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    I had been on a plateau for 3 months, which was very frustrating. I read some posts that suggested maybe I wasn't eating enough. I upped my calories to *maintenance* for one week and started getting hungry ALL THE TIME (even with the increased calories). I think my body stopped giving me hunger signals after being on such a big deficit for 9 months. After a week of being at maintenance, then going back down to a modest deficit (250 cals), I dropped to my lowest weight so far. If you're hungry, maybe your body is trying to tell you something! It stinks to increase your goal and fear gaining weight, but perhaps your body needs the extra nourishment.

    Good luck!
  • gosh i feel ya!! i was there the other day1!!!!...have some grapes,nuts,and crystal light if ya have any...I try to have such small items around .. Butttt i still get so hungry sometimes and i drink water as well and wait at least 20 min's if still hungry i will eat somehting small...makes me feel better.....:cry: i do feel ya!!! good luck!!!!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I suggest that you're starving because you are not feeding your body enough!!! I looked at a few days of your food diary, and most days you only eat about 1000 calories. If I only ate 1000 cals each day, I would be so ravenous that I would be eating the legs of the table and the scarf around my neck.
    If you are going to go so low calorie, you really need to be getting maximum nutrition from every mouthful - choose oatmeal instead of processed cereal and whole grain bread instead of light bread and eat some red meat instead of fish.
    Really though, this low calorie amount just doesn't sound sustianable to me. You might like to revise your weight loss goals to a smaller amount per week so you get to eat a little more each day. You might lose weight a bit slower, but if it becomes a healthy lifestyle that you can sustain, then that is much better than extreme measures to lose weight fast, but that gets too hard so you give up.
    Good luck!
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