Ok to have a day...or two.....off a week?



  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    You should have days that you don't exercise, but just try not to pig out on them and you will be fine. Everyone has a bad day, and setbacks. Just start fresh the next day.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Is it ok to have a couple of days off a week - for example, the weekend? Especially if I am going way over my exercise target for the week? I've totally pigged out this weekend and I'm feeling a bit guilty!!

    Your approaching weight loss from a yo-yo perspective and in saying that you won't ever keep whatever weight you've lost long term unless you make your eating a lifestyle change. You are FOREVER under the calorie gun. This means you have to establish a diet that works for the rest of your life. I go over my weight loss caloric goals a couple times a week and by several hundred calories. This doesn't put me over my weight maintenance calorie limit or does it have any impact what soever *on weight gain* because i can make a calorie deficit over one or two days and not only be at my weekly goal but be under it. I have to pretty much pig out on healhty foods to reach my maintainance calorie limit. I woudn't feel guilt over going over but you have to face the truth that you cant do it every day of your life. If you do you will be as heavy or heavier then when you started your weight loss goal.
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