I could kill myself....but I won't

hiswifetheirmom Posts: 4 Member
edited November 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Instead i'm just getting back on track to lose 16 pounds that I gained back over the course of a month and a half.
My goal is 200. I'm back at 276 when I got down to 260.
Hello Everyone!
My sister told me about this site!
I'm back in the gym today too!

I'm ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • hiswifetheirmom
    hiswifetheirmom Posts: 4 Member
    Instead i'm just getting back on track to lose 16 pounds that I gained back over the course of a month and a half.
    My goal is 200. I'm back at 276 when I got down to 260.
    Hello Everyone!
    My sister told me about this site!
    I'm back in the gym today too!

    I'm ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • hiswifetheirmom
    hiswifetheirmom Posts: 4 Member
    Forgot to mention that I started out at 300 pounds!
  • journey
    journey Posts: 3
    hey welcome to the site, i just joined myself ...
  • MarineLover08
    MarineLover08 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I just joined too!
    My name is Brogan. I know how you feel. I gained about 40 pounds over the past 6 months. I am very unhappy about that. And of course, my fiance always says that it doesn't matter how much I weigh he will always think I'm hot.
    I beg to differ though...I want to be back where I was! It's quite frustrating when you can gain like crazy and lose like a snail, for a while there I just gave up and ate and ate and ate. But now, I'm on a strict set amount of calories and I have every intention of losing a good deal of weight before I go visit my Marine on August 16th!
    Good luck :-) Keep me updated, by the way...how many kids do you have?
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