What happens if you eat too much protein?



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    in general I never feel bad about re-posting a link to the rules, but without being specific please make special note to both rule number 4 and rule number 15


    to all people, please read these rules at least once, they are posted for good reason.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    I am reposting because apparently pointing out where someone is wrong is now a "personal attack," and the moderators will both delete *that* post *and* any other posts, even if the subsequent post only has a list of links to informative articles...

    I am sick of people, including the site administrators, telling me that the diet & lifestyle change which was recommended by my doctor, which is saving my life, which is the *only* thing I've ever found to work for me, is an unhealthy fad. People are different! People's metabolisms work differently! You should not be all judgmental about how other people choose to approach their diets. And you should not scare people by making blanket statements that this thing or the other thing is unhealthy, especially when they've finally found something that works for them. The same diet that can be perfect for one person (I have a friend who is a perfectly happy, healthy Vegan) can be harmful for another (her diet would literally kill me). But for most people, there is NOTHING wrong with eating a very high percentage of protein.

    If you're interested I've included informational links below. But, long story short, it is WRONG to say "all you have to do is make up your mind and eat less than you use." What you eat makes a much bigger difference than how much of it you eat. And it is also WRONG to assume that people who have trouble losing weight have some kind of intelligence deficit or character flaw. And it is also WRONG that protein is stored as fat, or that it is harmful. Ketosis is only harmful to your body if you already have disastrous liver/kidney damage, but for a healthy person, it is the preferred state, especially if your body has any kind of trouble with insulin. Dehydration issues are only relevant for the first two weeks as your body adjusts, and they are easily solved by drinking more water. Which is something we're all supposed to be doing anyway.

    As I said, I won't bore you with the biochemistry myself. Here are links to different doctors & scientific studies, talking about the way metabolism of different substances works, so you can check it out yourself.

    Has anyone called your diet a fad? I don't remember reading that in this thread.... Did it get deleted?

    Also, regarding your comment that "And it is also WRONG that protein is stored as fatl"...perhaps this comment was a response to another statement that got deleted.. but excess calories from protein will get stored as fat. Excess calories from any source will get converted to fat.....though not as readily when it comes to protein.

    Perhaps you are confusing the issue with the fact that your body doesn't have any STORAGE SITES for protein? There are vast storage sites for carbs in our body, but not for protein.