Returning after Having a Baby!!! :D

Hi guys, I am back, almost... I am expecting my baby girl any day now and have decided to return to lose my baby-weight. I hope to add some friends on here that are in my situaltion as well, I think it's a niche that can provide support to eachother in more ways than one.

Being a new mom has it's challenges by itself, but adding on the struggle to lose the baby-weight makes the road that much harder. I feel blessed that I will have my daughter soon, but the daunting task remains to lose the weight she so generously gave me before my wedding next year.

I hope to make some good friends here, and I wish us all success in our journeys!



  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome back and congratulations on the new baby.
  • rissyroo2002
    rissyroo2002 Posts: 71 Member
    congrats on your expected bundle of joy! It's great your already thinking about getting rid of the baby weight, but don't push yourself too hard!! My youngest was born nine years ago and I just decided now was a good time to lose the baby weight :-) I would talk to your doc first about when you should start and calorie limits, especially if you breast feed.
  • kids183
    kids183 Posts: 204 Member
    Awe! What a blessed event! Congratulations to you! And welcome back!!

    I'm a Mom of 4 daughters! Feel free to add me and ask me any "girlie" things you need to know!!
  • chimepipe22
    congrats on your new addition! soooo exciting. i'm due in september and have been trying to keep tracking on the site -- even when i know i'm eating things i shouldn't be -- like the snack pack of lays i just ate. i just track it and helps to see where the diet downfalls are ... can you say flying saucers??!!

    good luck! enjoy the nice warm weather and stroller walks. :)
  • KathyEarhart
    KathyEarhart Posts: 94 Member
    I'm 3 months out (as of 2 days ago) from a baby boy. I gained 50 lbs., did the same thing with the last baby too. I was 5 lbs. heavier than I would have liked upon conceiving. At m 6 week postpartum visit, I was down 13 lbs from delivery. I've lost 19 since then and I have 18 more pounds to hit my conceiving weight and 23 to be my goal.