Diamond Dolls Week 2!

I'm sorry for the delay today, but good news, no QOTD for Monday because of it!

Now, I couldn't keep you guys in the dark about whether you beat DiamondsintheRough, however, you have yet to see which team out of the Dolls took the team crown! So, drumroll....

The PURPLE TEAM scored highest with a total of 23.9 lbs!

Second place was the ORANGE TEAM with 18.5 lbs.

GREEN TEAM came in third with a total of 14.9 lbs.

Congratulations, ladies on the Purple Team!

Now, the individuals with the highest loss for each team was close, and one team ended up with a tie!

Purple Team's Week 1 Champ is..... SKYLAR1907, with a loss of 5.5 lbs!

Orange Team's Week 1 Champ is..... PARTONSARA with a loss of 5.6 lbs!

And lastly, Green Team's Champ is...... RENEEPUGH, who lost 4 lbs! (I lost the same amount, so it was a tie, but I run the challenge, so I make the rules, and Renee's sole Green Team champ!)

Normally, we'll list all the names of the "losers" for the week and their pound loss, however, due to the missing weigh-ins, I don't wish to single anyone out. All the ladies in this challenge are fantastic, and should give yourselves a pat on the back for supporting each other in your weight loss journey!


Things to Know!
The Roster has been updated for the QOTD assignments, and you may see some empty spots. We are working to fill those before the end of the week. Also, I will be updating the blog, the old posts will be removed and it will contain all the links needed to participate, so anytime you need the link to a thread, or the weigh-in form, etc, it will be held in the blog like always.

Keep Shining Ladies!


  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Way to go ladies! Congrats Purple Team!! Watch out, Orange is coming for ya!!
  • Orange Team is gonna rock it in Week 2!

    Let's go Orange Team, Let's GO!!

    Congrats Purple Team! Awesome job!

    Congratulations to everyone! We are winners in this losing game!! =)
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    Nice job Purple team! Didn't I predict you guys would come out and clobber us? It's always the quiet ones you gotta watch! I'm going to do less posting and more losing in week two so keep an eye out for the Orange team!

    Special congrats to PARTONSARA!! You big loser, you!
  • sayambular
    sayambular Posts: 205
    Way to go purple team!!!

    And orange team, let's kick it up a notch!!!

  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    FIFTY SEVEN pounds!!! Wow!! Awesome job ladies!!! :drinker:

    Yay purple team!! No time to rest we've got orange and green on our tails!!! :wink:
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    Renee!! My awesome, amazing teammate! You are seriously a rockstar!!!! This week I'll rock harder as TOM happened last week.Ugh! Way to go orange team and Diamond Dolls!!!
  • Hell ya!! Go PURPLE!
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I was just wondering which teams lost people? Does that give those teams disadvantages? Are we going to replace those we lost? Just a few things I was wondering about. But we all did a great job!!!! Woo hoo!!!!
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Renee!! My awesome, amazing teammate! You are seriously a rockstar!!!! This week I'll rock harder as TOM happened last week.Ugh! Way to go orange team and Diamond Dolls!!!

    I only do great because I have a very encouraging and hard working partner!!!!!
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    By the way, way to go Orange team!!!! That's an amazing weight loss!!!
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    Can someone tell me what "TOM" means?

    I AM SO PROUD OF MY PURPLE TEAM LADIES!!! Thank you all so much (green, orange, and purple) for the butt-kicking, the encouragement, the messages, the support. YOU ALL have an equal share in the 2.4 pounds that I lost last week. :)

    I'm headed up to camp for most of the rest of the week but you'd better believe I will be checking in with you all from my itty bitty cell phone internet! Haha.

  • partonsara
    partonsara Posts: 79 Member
    Go teams! That's a lot of weight loss! Nice work ladies :)

    It's crazy what happens when you just stick tight to your calorie goals. Now all colds/sinus infections are gone from the house I'll add in some exercise and see what that does for me!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Can someone tell me what "TOM" means?

    TOM = Time of the month. A girls worst nightmare come weigh in time ;)
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Sorry purple team, I am a little brain dead today. I forgot to give you huge props for kicking our butts!!!! Congratulations!
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    GREAT JOB PURPLE TEAM!! WHOOT_ WHOOT!! Keep it up girls!!
    COngrats to our biggest losers! Skylar, partonSara and Renee!!

    Week 2!! Lets Keep up our great weight loss Purple team!
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    Well done everyone!

    And go purple team, can't believe how well we all done, it's definitely down to the motivation and support of the team.

  • MeganLord
    MeganLord Posts: 28 Member
    Lets keep it up PURPLE TEAM lets rock this whole challenge! :)
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    Great Job to everyone on the Diamond Dolls team--we all rock!! Great job Purple Team, Congrats!

    Let's all work hard on sweeping this entire challenge, and making the DITR team cry into their Slim-Fasts! (Joking of course!)
  • this has really motivated me...I'm also in a 'biggest loser' contest at work so the two contests together teamed with the fact that i enjoy wearing a swimsuit when I swim will help get me in gear! GO GREEN!!!!!!
  • We aren't sore losers! Great job Dolls.... but this week is WAR!