
Hi all! Been on MFP for a while but don't come to the boards very often due to excessively busy schedule. I wanted to post an annoying issue I've been having. . . .

I originally set my MFP goal to 1.5lbs a week. Seemed totally doable, and it was for the first 20lbs or so. Now I've hit a point where my goal for losing 1.5lbs is a little bit above 1300 calories. If I work out, I can very comfortably stick with a 1600-1700 cal/day plan. However, if I miss a day at the gym I find it really tough to get down to that 1300 mark so I was consistently getting frustrated with myself for being over my limit.

Thus - I changed my goal to 1lb a week. Now I have about a 1600 calorie/day goal without exercise. So now when I exercise, I'm having a calorie deficit of 300-400 calories.

I suppose in writing this, I've solved it for myself. . . .seems that if I exercise, I'm on target to lose 1.5lbs per week and if I don't, I'll be on for 1lb per week if I figured it correctly. Has anyone else struggled with this? I think 1lb per week is a good rate of weight loss; just want to make sure I'm doing it right!!


  • magpie8402
    magpie8402 Posts: 121 Member
    It sounds like you're on the right track. Keep up the good work!
  • mccdl34
    mccdl34 Posts: 43 Member
    I can understand your annoyance. You work like crazy, carefully watch what you eat, lose enough weight to start feeling really good about yourself, and how does mfp reward you? They drop the number of calories that you can have in a day. What?!!! What kind of reward is that? :smile: I know, that's just how it works. Less weight takes less calories to maintain. Still, quite annoying.