
In grade school, my mother had to bribe me out of bed on the days we had to run the mile during P.E. class. Needless to say, I have never been a natural runner - which is why I started running two summers ago.

The farthest I've ever been able to push myself was 4 miles (it was a late night, and I got a little crazy). On average, I typically go 2-3. I would really like to be able to run 5 miles (and sculpt an ultra sexy bod in the process) by the time I go back to school mid-August.

So, here's my question: Is there anyone here who would also like to improve their running skills and perhaps provide some mutual support and accountability?


  • fnm101
    fnm101 Posts: 116 Member
    yes! i am not a "runner" by any means, but over the past month i have been jogging/barely running with a group of friends 3-5 days/week. we recently decided that we're going to train for a half marathon in October, so i'll def. need support and motivation all the way through! feel free to add me.

    best wishes!
  • alexoftroy
    alexoftroy Posts: 40 Member
    Wonderful! I would love to know what y'all's jogging/running schedule looks like so maybe I can try to mimic it. I will definitely add you - thanks so much, and good look training!!
  • KatherineVictoria
    Count me in! I'm a runner, have done some races including a half marathon. I LOVE running :) Feel free to add me as a friend, any and all!
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    As many of us on here can testify to it's success, try Couch to 5k!

    I believe there is also a Couch to 10K. I plan on doing that once I graduate from the 5K program.

    Good Luck!
  • embyk
    embyk Posts: 3
    Girl I am in!! I have just started running about a year ago! I was so out of shape I couldn't make it a tenth of a mile! I just ran my first 5K three weeks ago and won for my age division, ran another one last week and got 2nd place! I've caught the running bug! I am able to run the 5K "okay" but feel like I need to push for more distance, I recently decided I would push for 5 miles, but have not started training for it yet. I don't know what expertise I can offer, but definately count me in for encouragement and accountability!!
  • alexoftroy
    alexoftroy Posts: 40 Member
    Aah, you people are fantastic!!