
Just wanted to introduce myself - I joined this site today and I'm glad I did!!

I started this journey in Feb. of last year and have lost 30 pounds. I joined Curves and paid for a membership to a calorie counting site. It worked well for awhile, but money became tight and I became lax. I joined Weight Watchers in October to help jump start me again and it worked. The weight started melting off, but again, because of money constraints I couldn't afford to keep up the membership.

So now that I've got the "basics" down, I know what works for me and what doesn't (keeping ice cream in the house is a BAD idea! Going to the gym is a GOOD idea!!) I hope this new year will really help me create a new me - one who loves herself for who she is and is happy with it. Looking and feeling better will go a long way to helping me achieve that goal.

What's keeping me on track right now is my brother's wedding in August. He's getting married on the beach and I know there's going to be pictures of the family taken. I'd really like not to look like a huge fat cow in those pictures since they'll probably be around forever. Let me tell you, it's a strong motivation!!!

Thanks for reading my story....I look forward to getting to know all of you!!


  • scorp112
    Just wanted to introduce myself - I joined this site today and I'm glad I did!!

    I started this journey in Feb. of last year and have lost 30 pounds. I joined Curves and paid for a membership to a calorie counting site. It worked well for awhile, but money became tight and I became lax. I joined Weight Watchers in October to help jump start me again and it worked. The weight started melting off, but again, because of money constraints I couldn't afford to keep up the membership.

    So now that I've got the "basics" down, I know what works for me and what doesn't (keeping ice cream in the house is a BAD idea! Going to the gym is a GOOD idea!!) I hope this new year will really help me create a new me - one who loves herself for who she is and is happy with it. Looking and feeling better will go a long way to helping me achieve that goal.

    What's keeping me on track right now is my brother's wedding in August. He's getting married on the beach and I know there's going to be pictures of the family taken. I'd really like not to look like a huge fat cow in those pictures since they'll probably be around forever. Let me tell you, it's a strong motivation!!!

    Thanks for reading my story....I look forward to getting to know all of you!!
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Welcome scorp112. Good luck to you!
  • debuckl
    debuckl Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome and good luck! Sounds like you know what you need to do and just need some support and motivation. You'll find that here!