Honey vs. Sugar

Which is better honey or sugar? I got in this discussion with the home ec teachers. Personally, I would think that honey is better because it isn't processed. They say sugar is sugar. Does anyone actually know?

btw - just got some local honey from one of our school's security guards. Freakin' Awesome!


  • jacmiley
    jacmiley Posts: 202 Member
    Which is better honey or sugar? I got in this discussion with the home ec teachers. Personally, I would think that honey is better because it isn't processed. They say sugar is sugar. Does anyone actually know?

    btw - just got some local honey from one of our school's security guards. Freakin' Awesome!
  • christelpistol
    christelpistol Posts: 246 Member
    There are plenty of safe alternatives to keep life "sweet." Remember nothing is without consequence, but natural is always a better choice. All of the following alternatives should be eaten in moderation, as most can impact blood sugar levels. It is best to use any type of sweetener, even the all-natural ones, sparingly, if at all, with the optimal choice being to savor the natural flavors in your food and resist the urge to add any extra sweetness.

    Natural sweetener choices:
    1. Barley Malt
    2. Brown Rice Syrup
    3. Date Sugar
    4. Honey (raw unpasteurized honey is best)
    5. Maple Syrup and Sugar
    6. Molasses
    7. Sorghum
    8. Stevia
    9. Sucanat
    If you purchase these alternative natural sweetener choices, make sure you buy the original forms of the sweetener and not any adulterated, manufactured forms that are diluted, replete with artificial fillers and food colorings. Read your labels!

    courtesy of http://www.janethull.com/newsletter/
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    They both have the same effect on blood sugar. You can get raw sugar, which comes from sugar cane, which is a plant. Or you can get honey, which is vomit from a bee. Nutritionally speaking, it's the same.
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    ...vomit from a bee...

    Well...I'll never look at honey the same way.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Honey has some nutritional qualities (underscore SOME), and it is actually being used, and very successfully, in clinical trials for treatment on wounds. Some believe that these antibacterial qualities may take affect in the body as well! And it is delish!

    Don't be put off by the bee vomit - think of what milk is exactly, eggs, etc!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Growing up, we had 6 or 7 beehives that my dad kept. Nothing like being in the honey house on days we were collecting. It sucked! My parents would try to brush most bees off at the hive, then drive to the honey house, then rebrush, and there would still be a dozen or so inside with me, as I was restacking. Stupid bees. I grew up around them, was afraid of them then, am afraid of them now. I'd probably crash my car and die if there was one in there with me...

    On the other hand, there's nothing like fresh honeycomb. And real honey that hasn't gone through the heat to keep it from crystalizing on the store shelves.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    sugar is sugar is sugar. If your body recognizes and processes it as sugar it is all a matter of taste. Any sweets that try to mimic natural sugars are not recognized by the body and stored in the liver, kidneys and fat so be wary of artificial or alternative sugars.

    Natural is always best, and bee vomit is pretty sweet.....sweeter than mine anyway! :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    bee vomit. Man, I USED to love honey. lol