Hi there from a new guy using this awesome site

Hi let me introduce myself. I saw this awesome site for tracking my food and its really helping me organize my eating habits.
In last 4 years I managed to gain around 18kg or 39lbs because of long working hours (was starting my own company).

I started to use myfitnesspal around month and a half into my workout. Was doing some custom weight lifting and some cardio on a crosstrainer but then i started to do one of these highly praised workouts on the web.

I am happy with my progress so far. The biggest problem i have is actually eating enough calories a day :) but i am happy that i don't really have allot of cravings i kinda eat 2 McDonald cheeseburgers in 2 month period and like 2 beers altogether.

Looking at the community and how much people work and lose weight and before and after photos really motivates me.

I am 174cm and my goal is hitting 70kg

So hi there everyone and good luck with your goals!


  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome! Glad things are going well for you! Keep it up!!!
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Thats one of the best introductions I've seen! Welcome, we hope you enjoy your stay ;)
  • chelle2u
    chelle2u Posts: 23 Member
    Hi - sounds like ya doing really well so far - this is a great website for that extra support and motivation! I am enjoying using it!! It is like a slimming club without the weekly payment!! My plan is to put the extra money in a pot and when I get to a certain weight I will treat myself!!!
    Chelle x