As easy as riding a bike (gasp for breath!!)

Hi Everyone,

I'm not the most enthusiastic about exercise but I'm learning to love it. However I have this full suspension montain bike which feasts on the momentum, I'm not sure what to do with it. Do I continue to ride it and hopefully learn to get along with it OR do I sell it and get a rigid frame bike? I know that it makes me work more using this full suspension bike and surely that must be good for working up a sweat but am I actually helping myself in weight loss continuing the use or am I hindering myself and setting myself up for injury?

I appreciate everyone's opnion on this as I am getting to the point of giving up on a form of exercise I do enjoy due to the equipment.


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Any biking is beneficial. Cardio and leg work!! Not sure how it would hinder it though?
  • jchc
    jchc Posts: 3
    Get a road bike. You will go faster and further. You will get the same work out as a result, but you will be comfortable and enjoying it.
  • rockviewau
    no matter what bike you ride, it is all about the fit. if you dont fit yourself properly, you are then likely to do injury and put yourself off the bike or exercise for longer periods. My suggestion is to go to a local bike shop and get their advice how to get a fit.

    after riding a hybrid mtb for a while and purchasing a road bike, its only now after a professional fit that I can really feel my ride is much much much more comfy. It allows me to ride faster, and for longer thus increasing my weight loss ability
  • slcobb001
    slcobb001 Posts: 39 Member
    I agree with the fellow below. Go to a good bike shop and have them fit you for the road bike. If you like riding but don't like your equipment you will soon stop doing it. Get a bike you like and you will enjoy the work out, that will help keep you on track!
  • Whiskey_Byrne
    Whiskey_Byrne Posts: 58 Member
    no matter what bike you ride, it is all about the fit. if you dont fit yourself properly, you are then likely to do injury and put yourself off the bike or exercise for longer periods. My suggestion is to go to a local bike shop and get their advice how to get a fit.

    after riding a hybrid mtb for a while and purchasing a road bike, its only now after a professional fit that I can really feel my ride is much much much more comfy. It allows me to ride faster, and for longer thus increasing my weight loss ability

    Thanks for this I will get to the bike shop with my bike this weekend and see what they say about it, but will also start to save for a road bike (bit skint due to paying for a festival ticket at the moment).

    Thank you all for the valid points I really appreciate it
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Hm, mountain bikes, from my understanding, due to the build, could possibly hurt in the long run? I'm no expert by any means, but recently, I've been looking to purchase a new bike myself. Personally, in your situation, Id Craigs list your current bike (get something for it still!!), then get on the prowl for a newer bike! I'm looking for a hybrid/commuter bike with the handle bars that are raised slightly. My mountain bikes bars make it so my back hurts on long bike rides.

    Are you just doing biking for exercise, or looking to get into cycling in reference to sports and relays?
  • Whiskey_Byrne
    Whiskey_Byrne Posts: 58 Member
    Hm, mountain bikes, from my understanding, due to the build, could possibly hurt in the long run? I'm no expert by any means, but recently, I've been looking to purchase a new bike myself. Personally, in your situation, Id Craigs list your current bike (get something for it still!!), then get on the prowl for a newer bike! I'm looking for a hybrid/commuter bike with the handle bars that are raised slightly. My mountain bikes bars make it so my back hurts on long bike rides.

    Are you just doing biking for exercise, or looking to get into cycling in reference to sports and relays?

    Yeah I think you're right on the replacing my old one.

    I enjoy it but would like to keep it as exercise and recreational for now, I'm not one for the competitive side of cycling :)
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Then a commuter or hybrid might be a great option. I am the same. I want to exercise and enjoy the ride (without breaking my back haha)!