where the donuts are.....

MommyWilson Posts: 58
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I had to get a job at walmart and yesterday a customer asked me why the water machine wasn't working and I referred him to a manager because I had no idea. Then he proceeded to say, "Well, why am I asking you about water.... can you tell me where donuts are?" Co-workers heard and tried to offer their condolences, but I was just trying to ignore it and not let it hurt me. But unfortunately I dove face first into some sugar cookies once I got home.

I think I'm addicted to food. I'm self medicating and I am NO doctor. Why do people think that because I'm fat I allow people to insult me? That guy didn't look like he'd ever gone to a gym, but because I'm the obese one he thinks he can take a jab. A-hole!


  • So, I had to get a job at walmart and yesterday a customer asked me why the water machine wasn't working and I referred him to a manager because I had no idea. Then he proceeded to say, "Well, why am I asking you about water.... can you tell me where donuts are?" Co-workers heard and tried to offer their condolences, but I was just trying to ignore it and not let it hurt me. But unfortunately I dove face first into some sugar cookies once I got home.

    I think I'm addicted to food. I'm self medicating and I am NO doctor. Why do people think that because I'm fat I allow people to insult me? That guy didn't look like he'd ever gone to a gym, but because I'm the obese one he thinks he can take a jab. A-hole!
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    :grumble: :explode: :mad: :angry: What an *********** I won't even give 'it' a name! Let :angry: lone a rude one :embarassed:
    What in the world gave him the right to speak to you like that ?!?!?!?!?!?!
    I'd have replied with, 'sorry sir, I think you ate all the donuts, pies, biscuits AND broke the water machine in a desparate attempt to chug down enough to stop yourself choking on your own fat!'

    Right, off my soap box now, sorry :embarassed: I get REALLY :mad: when people who can't talk themselves, having a dig at someone that's trying to better themselves!

    Next time he comes in the store, perhaps you should lead him to the guinea pig food and suggest he buys from that shelf in future :laugh:

    Don't let this pig get you down, he aint worth it, obviously has 'food issues' himself, that's NOT your problem, don't take it to heart, just remember, there's one born every minute!
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I hate double posts :mad: :laugh:
  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member
    It's easy for me to say, but don't let that JERK get you down! You have made the decision to get healthy so don't let some rude, insensitive idiot drive you back to sugar cookies. He's not worth it.

    At least you held your head high and didn't stoop to his level. You go, girl. You can do this and be successful. Best wishes to you... :flowerforyou:
  • I understand how you feel...dont let it get you down...use it in your favor...when you get on the bike or the treadmill or whatever you are doing to exercise remember this dude and use that anger to plow through. ultimately...the joke is on the *kitten* that made you feel bad.

    I used to work in downtown San Jose at a hotel and one afternoon my ex-boss asked me to bring her her lunch (I love salad and had had my light lunch earlier that day), my ex-boss loves McDonalds. I did her the favor and when I was walking back i was standing on the corner holding the bag that contained her BigMac and the huge soda that comes with it.

    At the corner there was a car full of guys slowing down for the red light and one of them stuck his head out the window and yelled "Cerda" ("Pig")at me as loud as he could...then they all broke out laughing. I was torn. It killed me...people on the avenue laughed and whispered. What else could I do? I kept walking with my head low.

    I felt bad but looking back on that my big question is "were people laughing and whispering because I really did resemble a pig like the guys implied or because 4 guys just proved the world they have no culture, etiquette, manners and are just plain rude?" Ultimately, if I was standing by watching the scene I would probably laugh at the guys more than the fat woman crossing the street with a burger under her arm.

    So...would you laugh more at the obese girl being polite to a rude customer or would you laugh at the dude that obviously does not have enough manners to exercise basic etiquette, let alone find things on his own in a store where departments are well marked?

    I think hes something to laugh at...imagine how many people are going to laugh at his expense on a daily basis if he treats everybody like that. some will laugh...others will just not talk to him again....your still on the better end of the deal.

    dont let this get you down.

    By the way...my husband is right...he always says that big girls have beautiful faces (his theory is that we are more carefree)...you are truly beautiful, so smile through it!
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Don't let the small(minded) folk get you down.....just take it one hour,shift, day at a time. Just 'cuz you tripped and fell off the wagon today doesn't mean you can't just climb right back on. The goal to keep in sight is making sure you stay on a little longer each time.

    AND, work on giving yourself hugs and all the loving you need. You'll get plenty from all of us here, but loving yourself is one of the hardest things ever...and even when you do I think ( just like in any successful relationship) you have to keep telling yourself!!!!

    You go gurl!!!!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    The guy who said that to you obviously has self-esteem issues so he felt the need to put you down to make himself feel better. Pity. Just remember you have people who love you and support you and his opinion of you is insignificant. Love yourself and know that you're on your way to a healthy, smaller you. The next time someone makes a derogatory comment like that, let them know you're using MFP to help you lose weight and ask if they would like for you to write down the website address for them. That'll fix them. Ooooh, now I'm on a roll, I can think of other replies that would turn a negative about you into a positive. Such as, "Well, yes I do know where the donuts are and since I've recently changed my lifestyle to eat healthier and no longer eat donuts, there's plenty for you. But better yet, let me give you the address for MFP." :bigsmile:
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