Jillian Michaels Challenge Week 1 - CLOSED GROUP



  • joyfulthanks
    joyfulthanks Posts: 155
    I designed a possible logo for Victorious Secret, but can't figure out how to post it here. Help?
  • porcelainOwl
    weighing in for team purple...173, only down one pound, but i have my period, so I'm not entirely sure how accurate that number is? I'm skipping measurements this week because I feel bloated as can be. Hoping for big results next week!
  • joyfulthanks
    joyfulthanks Posts: 155
    Okay, here's my logo idea. It still has the istockphoto logo on it because I'm not going to purchase the photo (about $2), until you guys tell me if you like it. If you want to use this, I'll purchase the photo, and that will go away.

  • joyfulthanks
    joyfulthanks Posts: 155
    Okay, here's my shot at a logo. It still has the istockphoto logo on it because I'm not going to purchase the photo (about $2), until you guys tell me if you like it. If you want to use this, I'll purchase the photo, and that will go away.

  • Kera885
    Kera885 Posts: 59
    173, only a one pound loss (although I did gain 2 pounds the weekend before the challenge started but after I weighed in on the Friday before so I'll take it haha)

    L Arm: 14.5 ---> 14 (.5 inches lost)
    R Arm: 15 ---> 14.5 (.5 inches lost)
    Waist: 31 ---> 31 (nothing :( )
    Hips: 45 ---> 44.5 (.5 inches lost)
    L Thigh: 28 ---> 26.5 (1.5 inches lost- holy crap this one shocked me, my thighs don't look any less thundery)
    R Thigh: 28.5 ---> 27 (1.5 inches lost)
    Abdomen: 37 --->36 (1 inch lost)
    Bust: 40 ---> 39 (1 inch lost)
    Neck: 14.5 --->14 (.5 inch lost)

    Don't know exactly which ones we're keeping track of so I just listed everything
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TEAM ORANGE-THE BELLY DUMPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here are my stats

    Chest 33
    Bust 36.5
    Biceps 10.5 -down .25 inch in each arm
    over belly button 32.5 -down 1/2 inch
    under belly button 34 -down 1/2 inch
    hips 36 -down .25 inch
    That is a total ofr 2.25 inches!
    I did not lose one ounce,but considering I had guests in town it is a miracle I did not gain!

    ****************Go Belly Dumpers!!***********
    P.S. How do I get the logo on my page?
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TEAM ORANGE-THE BELLY DUMPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here are my stats

    Chest 33
    Bust 36.5
    Biceps 10.5 -down .25 inch in each arm
    over belly button 32.5 -down 1/2 inch
    under belly button 34 -down 1/2 inch
    hips 36 -down .25 inch
    That is a total ofr 2.25 inches!
    I did not lose one ounce,but considering I had guests in town it is a miracle I did not gain!

    ****************Go Belly Dumpers!!***********
    P.S. How do I get the logo on my page?

    Keep up the great work :bigsmile:

    As for the team logo: bellydumpers2-1.jpg
    copy and paste that into your signature. just convert IMG to img

  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    :glasses: BELLY DUMPERS:glasses:

    Yesterday was my last day of level 1 and first day of level 2 for the 30 Day Shred! :bigsmile:

    As I was doing Level 2 I could def. see the difference in intensity. I was sweating so much! :tongue:

    I know if I keep up with this Level 2 for 9 more consecutive days, I will see and feel a difference!

    Week 1 weigh-in: 157.0lbs (almost to 156!!!)

    Have a Great Day, you are all Amazing :flowerforyou:

  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    Okay, here's my shot at a logo. It still has the istockphoto logo on it because I'm not going to purchase the photo (about $2), until you guys tell me if you like it. If you want to use this, I'll purchase the photo, and that will go away.


    VERY GOOD!!!
  • rhapsody527
    Belly Dumpers-GREAT job!! I won't be able to check in with weight/inches until late tonight because I am working all day, but awesome job everyone!!
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    Okay, here's my shot at a logo. It still has the istockphoto logo on it because I'm not going to purchase the photo (about $2), until you guys tell me if you like it. If you want to use this, I'll purchase the photo, and that will go away.

    I like! :)
  • Tereztaylor07
    That logo works for me:)
  • joyfulthanks
    joyfulthanks Posts: 155
    Adding one more logo choice for Victorious Secret:


    Same thing as before -- the istockphoto watermark will disappear when we decide if we want one of these and I purchase the photo.
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    i like both of them.... so whichever others choose is fine with me.
  • ofthevalley
    Neck 14.5 on 07/04/11 No Change
    Waist 39.0 on 07/04/11 Down .75
    Hips 44.0 on 07/04/11 No Change
    Abdomen 41.0 on 07/04/11 Down 2
    L Thigh 25.5 on 07/04/11 Down 1.5
    R Thigh 25.0 on 07/04/11 Down 1.5
    R bicept 14.0 on 07/04/11 No Change
    L bicept 14.5 on 07/04/11 No Change
    Bust 45.0 on 07/04/11 Down .75

    So I didn't lose any weight but I did lose 6.5 inches in a week WOWZA!!!!

    Previous measurements:
    Neck: 14.5
    Bust: 45.75
    Waist: 39.75
    Abdomen: 43.0
    Hips: 44.0
    L Thigh: 27.0
    R Thigh: 26.5
    L Bicep: 14.5
    R Bicep: 14.0
  • joyfulthanks
    joyfulthanks Posts: 155
    Couldn't resist -- I just found a green one. And since we're the Green Team, well...

    I really like this one!

  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Just got back from camping (a few cheat days:/) ill weigh in tomorrow morning...even though im feeling extremely bloated and yucky!
  • BetterWithAge
    Which measurements are we using? I only reported chest, waist and hips. I see some losing 4, 5, 6 inches but they are including more measurements. Please let me know. Thank you. :)
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    Reporting in for the Green Team.... Weight 172.0 didnt do too good on the shred over the weekend... Worked too much 44 hrs in 3 days. But will get back up on the band wagon tonight.
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    Couldn't resist -- I just found a green one. And since we're the Green Team, well...

    I really like this one!


    me too!!!