3 lbs overnight?!?



  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    This is why I have sworn off weighing every day (as of this week). The huge fluctuations I saw were making me nuts. I wish I had the will power to only weigh once every two weeks or once a month but I don't. I have settled on Sunday mornings first thing.
  • MeganNP
    MeganNP Posts: 4
    What type of exercise did you do yesterday? It is very common to see the scale bump up after a few good work outs--the nurses and doctors tell me I am gaining muscle, thus the increase in the scale

    I find that the day after I strength train and do cardio that I end up weighing more. It never fails--it is always the day that I weigh in with my bariatric doctor ( I am on maintenance after loosing 34 lbs on a medically supervised low carb diet) I too am 5'2 (doc says 5 ft 1.5 inches...) and am hovering between 118 and 121. I weighed in at the doctors office last Thursday (after what I considered a terrible food and exercise week) and was 117.5 from 119.4 the week before. Yesterday I weighed myself and I was 121! ugh.
    4 or 5 lbs may not seem like alot, especially when we are talking about these weight figures, but I am concerned about this yo-yo trend and am trying to get a grip on my mindset and be consistent with food and exercise.