Out of excuses!

alisha427 Posts: 10 Member
A friend of facebook had been posting how much weight she has been losing by using this site so I thought I would give it a try. I had a beautiful baby boy almost 10 months ago and am still dragging along the baby weight. I'm out of excuses and hoping to shed this weight once and for all. Feel free to add me if anyone is interested in being workout buddies. I can certainly use the motivation! :)


  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Welcome to the family i just had a csection with my youngest 3 months ago so I am trying to get rid of the weight as well. You will love it here.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I started MFP when my youngest (I have 5 kids) was a month old. She'll be 1 next week. As you can see- it is possible to lose the weight and tone up after baby and I'm proof! You'll love it here. Good luck!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    We all struggle with it but it's not an excuse not to eat right. Your family will benefit from it as well.
    It just takes a little work on your part. My advice is educate yourself on healthy eating. Look online for healthy recipes. Take a day and go to the store and read lables! Look for healthy snacks, Popcorn, Peanut butter and apple, Berries and yogurt, 40 cal fugde pops, Fat Free Pudding, Spicy Hummus with Veggies or whole wheat crackers and String Cheese. Don't buy things that will tempt you. You will not have the will power to resist. Buy a food scale and watch portions. Limit processed and fast foods. Cook fresh Veggies and Meats. If you cook all your meats on one day you can freeze it and have it for the week, then you will only have to make the veggies, salad, and a little starch, Wild rice, barley, whole wheat pasta or potato. Watch portions for carbs. They are not bad in the right portion. Limit sauces and gravies. Make fresh and Frozen veggies without sauces, add a little olive oil and garlic or other spice and roast or grill them. Smart Balance instead of Butter. Eat whole grain Low carb Low Cal Breads and Pasta. Fresh Fruits. Did I say watch Portions. In the beginning it will be hard to get over cravings. But if you stick with it you will. Don't drink your calories. Did I say watch portions. Oh and watch portions.