Toddler Mom having a hard time of it

An advice for the working mom of an energetic toddler? With lack of sleep,:yawn: and lack of time, and working and a wild child, I just can't seem to make this happen... :sad:

See blog:


  • Reisse62
    Reisse62 Posts: 71 Member
    I sooo get this. My baby was waking up 3 or 4 times through 15 almost 16 months months, very unlike my older son and daughter who after a month were sleeping 5 hours straight(a mother dream right?). It is so hard for your body to lose the weight if you don't get enough sleep. Is your toddler awake to eat?

    Do you have a baby jogger? Could you go for a run with the toddler. Your an athlete so you know that if you get more exercise you will have more energy.

    I also decided to be easier on myself about weight loss during this time. I was trying really hard to lose the weight and once I was able to sleep again, it started coming off.

    The good news is that your precious child will not do this forever.

    I really hope that helped.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I could have written your blog entry (except the personal trainer part) a few months ago. I have two kiddos, a 5 year old and an almost 2 year old. My five year old didn't sleep through the night for years, and my almost-2 year old still doesn't sleep through the night most nights. It's nice that your husband alternates with you, mine doesn't.... When I started this journey back in January, I was 30 lbs heavier than I am now-- almost mimicing your weight now and your goal weight. I was 171 in January and I'm 142 now, and still losing.
    I second the idea of a baby jogger-- we have two- a single jogger for use when my older DD is at school during the school year, and a double jogger for use during the summer, weekends, and during 5K races, etc. I got my single jogger for free from a friend (ask around, look on Craig's list for a cheap one, etc.) and spend some $$ for a good double one, which was worth every penny as we are pushing over 100 lbs in it.
    I did the Couch to 5K to get back into running, and now I run 5Ks as often as possible on Saturday ams.... it's a great workout, and my kids love getting pushed during the race.
    Here's what I do to survive: CROCKPOT dinners so they are ready right when you get home from work, sometimes bread in the breadmachine on a timer to finish right before dinner, food pre-made so I sweep into the house and grab something healthy for my littles and for me. Or, can you pack an easy snack to feed your toddler at pickup? Some crackers, a cereal bar, something to delay the wild cries? I guess it's alot of prior planning so dinners are smoother.
    I figure that with less sleep, exercise actually makes me feel better, so even when I've been up all night with my kids, I still get up and run the next am. It's worth it- a 30 minute run has waayyyy more benefits than 30 extra minutes of sleep.
    Sometimes I run to the park with the kiddos- let them play for a bit (20-30 minutes while I energetically play with them) and then run home from the park. It's a win-win situation, I get exercise, they get energy out.
    Good luck!
  • AshCain
    AshCain Posts: 13
    Do you have to go to a gym to workout or are you able to do it at home? I am in your same situation of working full time and having to bring a 21 month old to daycare, plus he started waking up a couple nights a week again. I find I have the most energy right after I put my son to bed, which is usually around 8pm. Eating light, for dinner doesn't weigh me down and deter me from wanting to work out. Try crockpot meals or at least have an idea in your head of whats for dinner so when you get home, you can get it going right away. Try getting in little workouts while they're awake. I include my son if needed. He likes to jump around with me or I hold him while I do squats. Keep him busy for a few minutes while doing abs. Every once in awhile it is nice to wake up at 5am to a quiet house and get a quick 30min run in. Hope that helps. Good luck!!
  • tiggilee
    tiggilee Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for the awesome ideas everyone! We do have a baby jogger. (Swanky BOB Revolution). I have some knee issues that have made running off limits for now, and can only get so fit with walking. I will keep trying to recover though. The only real way to pull it off is to go IMMEDIATELY when I get home from work, because if I linger I lose steam. @AshCain, I am amazed that you have energy at 8pm. I collapse in a heap after putting the kiddo to bed, with not even the energy to pick up after dinner and the toddler-tornado-savaged living room that I am staring at. :noway:

    I have been trying to do most of the working out at the gym, but I am so limited in my times on this. I am looking into a downtown workout center that does 30 min lunchtime workouts. It is a bit extra money, but I figure if I do it for a few months and it gets the weight off, it would be totally worth it!

    As for preparing food ahead of time, I know that would be helpful. My only issue is that food prep time wars with exercise time wars with sleep. I don't have time mgmt issues, I have TIME issues, argh!

    Your words of encouragement and stories of success mean SO MUCH to me. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! :flowerforyou:
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Hey, I think working out at lunchtime is a great solution... even if it costs money... as you wrote, losing the weight will be worth it. Then the evening craziness/everwhelming feeling won't be soooo bad. I say go for it!
  • Reisse62
    Reisse62 Posts: 71 Member
    the toddler-tornado-savaged living room that I am staring at.

    I swear that is the inspiration for the tasmanian Devil.
  • dragonflytwt
    dragonflytwt Posts: 49 Member
    Nice to know you're not alone! I have the same issues!! Does your toddler still take naps? If so, sleeping at night will come easier when that nap time goes away, at least it did for me. Although, she now has nightmares and always asks for mommy, that is if the hubby even hears her. Just do what you gotta do!! I live off of quick meals and grab and go meals. That sleep is more important then working out, so make sure you get that in! Just try different things, preparing meals ahead, or buying more smart ones, walking on break at work or working out durring lunch.... see what works best. If it doens't seem like it's working out, try something else. Good luck!
  • AshCain
    AshCain Posts: 13
    Well, it doesn't always happen that way, maybe 3 times a week!! I try not to sit down right away after he goes to sleep. That way I don't get tired myself. Before I workout, I do a few little things like clean up the kitchen or pick up his toys so I feel like I still got something done around the house. Also, its nice I have my sister in-law close to me, so we work out together too.