The Vita Sana- Row the World Challenge *Closed Thread*

Hi Team! Here is a thread so we can keep in contact. I will also look into getting a banner or something (unless we have a techie on our team that wants to take charge of that!) :)

Here is our team info:

Boat: Vita Sana
Captain: Missbusylizzie
1. Missbusylizzie (me)
2. 3bree375
3. kylakesgal
4. Kate323
5. jessicamarie81
6. txjulie
7. Topsking2010
8. Pete_Mann
9. GrampsWooha
10. ReggaeNurse
11. shellbell2312
12. Jmuzzy
13. aab1
14. alvi002
15. candirw

Let's do this! :D


  • JMuzzy
    JMuzzy Posts: 63
    i dont know how to make a banner but i def want one!! so excited:)
  • Pete_Mann
    Pete_Mann Posts: 94
    Row, Row, Row your boat!

    I'm ready to burn for this challenge!

    For any team members that I am not friends with, please feel free to add me. Just mention you are on the team.
  • txjulie
    txjulie Posts: 190 Member
    Awesome! I'm so excited. I hope someone talented can make us a banner. : )
  • Pete_Mann
    Pete_Mann Posts: 94
    Awesome! I'm so excited. I hope someone talented can make us a banner. : )

    I'm not talented, but I am willing to give it a shot...

    What should be in this banner? I don't know what Vita Sana is...
  • shellbell2312
    I'm excited for this challenge! Go team!
  • MissbusyLizzie
    MissbusyLizzie Posts: 326 Member
    I am also working on one... We can decide which one we want to use. :)
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I'm excited to get this challenge started:) I think we can all use the extra motivation!
  • txjulie
    txjulie Posts: 190 Member
    Awesome! I'm so excited. I hope someone talented can make us a banner. : )

    I'm not talented, but I am willing to give it a shot...

    What should be in this banner? I don't know what Vita Sana is...

    Vita Sana is our team name & it translates to Healthy Living. I bet you can make a great banner. : )
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I too am very excited!!! This is just what I need to get me off my plateau! I don't know much about making a banner but I hope we can come up with one like other crews I've seen :) And Vita Sana means "Healthy Life" :)
  • MissbusyLizzie
    MissbusyLizzie Posts: 326 Member
    Ok guys... I created one banner. I know some other people are working on some too. Its in my signature; let me know what you think! :)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Ok guys... I created one banner. I know some other people are working on some too. Its in my signature; let me know what you think! :)

    I likey!!!
  • MissbusyLizzie
    MissbusyLizzie Posts: 326 Member
    Also- Head Honcho man sent out an excel sheet that I can forward to all of you so you can record your calories burned, etc. Then we have to manage to get all the info together, blah blah blah. Long story short, I made it easier on us. I tweaked the excel spreadsheet so I can keep track of all of our information in the same place... less work for you guys! All you have to do is either A.) PM or write on my profile the calories you burned that day OR B.) An even better choice... just make sure your diary is public and viewable and I can just pull from there after you complete it! :D

    Does this sound good??
  • Pete_Mann
    Pete_Mann Posts: 94
    Ok guys... I created one banner. I know some other people are working on some too. Its in my signature; let me know what you think! :)

    Way better than I would have done :)

    Oh and my diary is open to friends. I'll get 20 miles a day, except on Sundays. I may have to start logging random calorie burning events.
  • txjulie
    txjulie Posts: 190 Member
    LOVE your banner!! Tell us how to put it in our signature line please. : ) I'll switch my diary back to public & start closing it out again. : ) So 50 exercise calories = 1 mile? How is Pete going to get 20 miles/day??? You know people are going to log all sorts of goofy stuff.
  • MissbusyLizzie
    MissbusyLizzie Posts: 326 Member

    here is the code for the banner if you want it, crew! Just copy and paste into your signature. MAKER SURE TO CHANGE IMG to img. :) otherwise it wont work.

  • MissbusyLizzie
    MissbusyLizzie Posts: 326 Member

    *Typing on my computer for 7 minutes..... 13 calories.*
    *Walking to fridge and opening fridge door to get lunch..... 9 calories*

    This could be entertaining to see what people start logging! hahah
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I love the banner!! It looks awesome:) My diary is open to everyone so that would be the easiest way to track us I think but whatever works best for you Lizzie:) There should be rules about what you can and can not log I think otherwise I agree people will be logging all sorts of things that shouldn't be counted. I log only exercise:)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I only log exercise too and my diary is always open as well...definitely agree with having some rules about that one or we'll all be logging brushing our teeth, lol. Hope the other boats comply!
  • MissbusyLizzie
    MissbusyLizzie Posts: 326 Member
    I only log exercise as well. We know we are competing fairly; hopefully other teams do as well!