


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    Not to be defensive. Just providing my thoughts.

    1 - Obviously. Some will work, some won't. You can say that about anything. Vitamins. Whether or not food is organic or made with the ingredients they claim. Anything. If someone is willing to just pop a pill without researching it, then good luck to them in all of their life's endeavors because they'll need it.

    2 - I said there's no point in taking them if you are not going to change your eating habits, i.e., while taking the pill. First couple weeks of eating healthy can be tough and something to supress your appetite can help. At the end of the diet pill stage, you should recognize how much food you really need to be healthy. You're body chemistry/metabolism isn't going to change from one cycle.

    3 - You're really going to generalize for all humans? You kind of recognize that you can't when you say it might be an issue, it might not. 3 seems like pretty specific stuff though. I would think eating healthy and exercising while losing weight would be a mental/emotional/spiritual victory for anyone, diet pill or not. Especially for someone who is eating garbage or not exercising and overweight.

    Everyone's different and too many times people are quick to say nope, doesn't work or sure, you should definitely do this. Eat healthier, exercise more. We get it. There is a ton of different things that people have done and seen success though. Everyone should have those options to see what works.

    Personal experience - used a pill, lost weight. Continued exercising and eating healthy/bettter than I was. Not only was my metabolism not all screwed up, but I went on vacation for a week (ate, drank, didn't exercise) and didn't gain much weight. If anything my metabolism was better from cardio and weightlifting.

    Use a pill if you feel it will help. Don't if you have too many concerns.

    1) true. I never disputed any of this, just pointing it out.

    2)Yes, your body chemistry will change, within days.

    3)Yes, I am generalizing for all humans. Because all humans have a subconscious, and all humans will, to one degree or another, be changed by changing their lifestyle. Thus why I put in the concept of possibilities. Maybe it could be an issue, maybe it won't, but you're adding another variable. Pills make a healthy lifestyle change more difficult because they add steps, and they CAN undermine the mental victory, and be a crutch.

    I would say everyone's the same to a wide degree, human anatomy is within specific tolerances, and within those tolerances, you can make changes to effect the human body. I make no claim that the same plan will work for everyone, the only claim I make is that the process becomes more complicated the more factors you bring in, and the diet pills are an additional factor to take into account.