Too many calories??

Hi everyone. I have been trying to lose weight for all my life it seems but have been involved in a weght loss program through my health insurance for the last year. I lost close to 30 pounds and got burnt out on spinning and let myself get discouraged and I have gained about 25 back. As much as I was exercising I thought I would have lost more weight than I did. When I signed up for MFP I selected that I wanted to lose 2 pounds per week and they gave me a calorie goal of 1,800 calories a day. I have been excersing at least 5 days a week cardio 3 days for an hr (burn around 5-600 calories per day) and weights for 30 mins 2 times (around 150-200 calories per day)a week. I still am not seeing any weight loss. Is 1,800 calories a day too much? I don't want to drop to 1,500 only to lose at the same almost non existant rate that I am now. Am I doing too much at the gym and building muscle and not seeing that initial weight loss come off like many do the first couple of week? I have been religiously tracking with MFP for almost 2 weeks. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

**Let me add, while i have lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks which I know is more than the 2 pounds that I put I would like to lose per week, I always end up with calories left over at the end of the day. Also, with over 150 pounds to lose, I would think I would initially be dropping weight alot faster than I am right now. Thanks again.


    MZNIKKIBOO Posts: 190
    bump.. do u eat ur exercise calories back? im still trying to see what works for me
  • ketojeanna
    ketojeanna Posts: 15 Member
    bump.. do u eat ur exercise calories back? im still trying to see what works for me

    Not always. If I am hungry I will eat them, but if not I don't. I don't want to be eating just for the sake that I have the calories if that makes sense.
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    You are losing fast enough. That's the way this works... If you want to lose even faster, eat less than those 1800 cals, but never less than 1200 a day.
  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    I would drop your calorie intake down a couple of hundred for a week and see if there are any changes
  • donbet69
    donbet69 Posts: 133
    1800 sounds very high for a woman. I am a male at 230lbs currently and only allowed 1420 with a low activity level
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I would not try to go too fast. It took a while to put it on so take your time taking it off. You will be happier and be more likely to keep it off. I would eat all the calories I had to make sure you are getting the right nutrition.
  • ketojeanna
    ketojeanna Posts: 15 Member
    I thought the exact same thing. My husband gets fewer calories than I do.