I tried it...didnt work...what now?

ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
So I started my weight loss on herbalife, then ww, now mfp. I was loosing fine on all three but mfp is the best. I hit a plateau about a couple weeks after joining so I cut my calories and stopped eating back my exercise calories. This was great. I lost almost 3 lbs that week. Then I started loosing less and less.

I read about starvation mode and slowing down my metabolism so this week I tried eating all of my exercise calories so I would NET 1200. My bmr is 1324 so not that different. Anyway tomorrow will be a week and I'm up .8. Wondering if I just messed my system up or if I need to stop eating them or if I should eat half of them. I workout 5x a week at least an hour sometimes more. I do zumba, spin, xbike, strength training and pilates. I think thats what makes my case so complex.

I know I cant be the only one. With about 10 lbs left to loose I am more interested in how my life and eating will look in the log run then every lb I can squeeze off of the scale. I want to keep this weight off. I want to know that if I go the gym I can eat this extra or not. I am welcome to anyone's advice whos been there or has research the topic. I've looked into it and everyone has different opinions. Am I stuck playing with this or should I give this another week to see if my metabolism adjusts.

Thank you in advance for any replies.


  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    Do you use a HRM? I know sometimes the exercise calories on here are pretty off so that might be it, also water weight. Or, when your muscles tear they retain water to help them build and repair so that could be it too. Try taking a day off and reduce your sodium intake and see if the next day is any better.
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    It looks like (from your diary) that you just bumped up your calories yesterday. This is probably what you needed. I would stick to this new program for at least the next two weeks to give your body time to adjust. If you start to see a loss after that time, then you can SLOWLY reduce your calories back down a bit.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    keep at it; youll start to see a loss soon; and also make sure u r drinking enough water (1/2 ur body weight in ounces a day) and upping calories a healthy way, not by eating bad/processed foods.
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    change ur workout routine too! I keep doing that so my body doesn't get used to the same ol' thing! U have to shock it sometimes! I plateaued about 2 months ago. I changed EVERYTHING. Workouts, goals, foods...the plateau broke. Now I naturallly do everything different every day just to keep my body guessing :0)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    with 12 lbs to go you should be ABOVE your BMR, no question. This is assuming you don't have any other medical conditions.
  • mommyJto3
    mommyJto3 Posts: 139 Member
    maybe try mixing up your foods? what i have learned (the hard way) is eat a big breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner. add more protein to your diet. kick it up a notch at the gym. there are other things to focus on than how many calories you are eating, it all depends on what your eating.
  • meparker56
    meparker56 Posts: 36
    I try to stay between 1200 and 1350 cal a day. I don't eat back my exercise cals, that way the weight will come off a little quicker. As long as you eat 1200 calories, you don't need to worry about starvation mode. Also, the more you have to lose the faster it tends to come off, and vice versa. But don't get discouraged, hitting a plateau is normal, just hang in there and look to you MFP friends for support. They will help you stay on track with their great encouragements!! Also, if you are a soda drinker, even if it is diet, that will slow down you weight loss. The .8 lbs you gained could be water weight. make sure you weigh yourself at the same time of day each week. Before breakfast and getting dressed works best for me. Hang in there and don't give up! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! :wink:
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I know you don't want to hear it, but EAT MORE. Net BMR. Don't even leave 100 deficit. I understand that it's counter-intuitive and scary, BUT eating less is not working--and it's not gonna change. If you keep doing that you will get stuck in a vicious circle -- starve yourself, work out hard, plateau/gain, give up, binge, gain more. DON'T DO IT!

    Jillian Michaels would not lie to you, and neither would I.

  • staroddchic
    staroddchic Posts: 10 Member
    Keep in mind that working out that much, especially with some weight training, that you are building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. So, your body is probably still burning fat but adding muscle that weighs more. I think that maybe why you are gaining slightly. I would not eat back your exercise calories, unless you feel like you need to (if you'll feel like your starving). Keep doing what you are doing for another week or two. But instead of just weighing yourself, measure your waist, hips, arms, thighs, and calves. After a week, measure them again.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    Try eating them for a month. If that doesn't work eat 1/2 of them.

    Yes, you need to experiment. Don't make changes every week, though. Do each change for a minumum of a month. Your weight will naturally fluctuate by up to five pounds depending on hydration, hormones, sodium intake, exercise intensity (can make you gain temporarily).
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Yesterday was monday, I go to the gym M-F so on the weekend I eat less because I burn less. It will be a week tomorrow. If you look at my journal on friday it is a high caloric intake.

    I dont have a hrm so that could be it too. I just cant afford one right now. So is there really a big difference from net 1200 cals and net 1324 I mean its only 124 calories. All of this seems very difficult
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I try to stay between 1200 and 1350 cal a day. I don't eat back my exercise cals, that way the weight will come off a little quicker. As long as you eat 1200 calories, you don't need to worry about starvation mode. Also, the more you have to lose the faster it tends to come off, and vice versa. But don't get discouraged, hitting a plateau is normal, just hang in there and look to you MFP friends for support. They will help you stay on track with their great encouragements!! Also, if you are a soda drinker, even if it is diet, that will slow down you weight loss. The .8 lbs you gained could be water weight. make sure you weigh yourself at the same time of day each week. Before breakfast and getting dressed works best for me. Hang in there and don't give up! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! :wink:

    PLEASE, THIS IS INCORRECT INFORMATION. You need a NET minimum of your BMR to lose effectively. I just burned over a 1000 cals this morning. If I ate only 1200 cals today, that would NOT be enough. I need NET 1310, so I will be eating over 2300 today.

    Weight will NOT come off more quickly without eating exercise calories, unless you are just starting out and/or have a lot to lose. If you are a regular exerciser with a small amount to lose and you don't fuel your workouts, you WILL plateau and/or gain.

    Unfortunately, this is so widely misunderstood. Ask any athlete. Ask any fit person who has maintained a healthy weight for an extended period of time (years).

    This is a thread that explains it well:

    I am 5'4, 131 lbs. with abt. 18% body fat. I work out 6 days/week, hard. I consider myself an athlete. I eat 1500-2000 cals a day. If I eat less than that I WILL and HAVE gained weight. I know so many overweight people who say they never eat anything, they are keeping under 1000 (or whatever) cals a day, and exercising, but can't lose. This is why!

    Then they give up, give in, binge, gain even more weight. Vicious cycle. break it. EAT!
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    In your case there are a couple of issues to consider.

    1) You are on the "last 10 lbs" toward your goal. It's always going to take longer to lose those.

    2) You are doing so much exercise that rather than losing weight you may instead be losing fat and gaining muscle. Your overall health and physique is probably improving, but you are disappointed because you can't measure that on a bathroom scale. If your BMI is in the normal range, consider having your body fat percentage tested.

    I'd like to lose 5 more lbs but not at the expense of slowing down my muscle build-up. Once you get in the range of "no longer overweight", you have to look at the whole fitness picture. Such as... do you like they way you look? Do you like your level of strength? Are you satisfied with your stamina? Are your muscles toned and firm? What about your flexibility, posture, endurance?
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    I know you don't want to hear it, but EAT MORE. Net BMR. Don't even leave 100 deficit. I understand that it's counter-intuitive and scary, BUT eating less is not working--and it's not gonna change. If you keep doing that you will get stuck in a vicious circle -- starve yourself, work out hard, plateau/gain, give up, binge, gain more. DON'T DO IT!

    Jillian Michaels would not lie to you, and neither would I.


    I want this to be true! Especially for maintence. I want to be able to live a normal life. Not 1200 per day but its just not working. I guess your saying the 124 cals makes a difference? Man...Maybe I will try that for another week. You are correct it is scary
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Yes it does. do make sure you get your calories from good clean foods--fruits, veggies, lean meats, yogurts, etc. not from fast food or cupcakes.

    Feel free to check my diary for ideas, and keep on! You're almost there!

  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    In your case there are a couple of issues to consider.

    1) You are on the "last 10 lbs" toward your goal. It's always going to take longer to lose those.

    2) You are doing so much exercise that rather than losing weight you may instead be losing fat and gaining muscle. Your overall health and physique is probably improving, but you are disappointed because you can't measure that on a bathroom scale. If your BMI is in the normal range, consider having your body fat percentage tested.

    I'd like to lose 5 more lbs but not at the expense of slowing down my muscle build-up. Once you get in the range of "no longer overweight", you have to look at the whole fitness picture. Such as... do you like they way you look? Do you like your level of strength? Are you satisfied with your stamina? Are your muscles toned and firm? What about your flexibility, posture, endurance?

    Nope I'm actually still obese :( I set my goal really high. I will be overweight when I reach my goal. So I should have no problem loosing these last few lbs to my personal goal. Not BMI related.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,315 Member
    How carefully are you measuring your food portions? It is very easy to measure incorrectly if you are just eyeballing it. Eating at your BMR will result in weight loss as your daily calories from moving around and the like are not part of your BMR. BMR is the calories needed to keep you alive and breathing but doing nothing else. Also, ditch the scale and start measuring you chest, waist, hips, and thighs. I have read enough people here who go through long stretches of not losing anything (3 weeks or more) but they continue to lose inches. There are various reasons for that, but if you are losing inches (or parts of inches more likely each week) you are losing fat even if the scale is not moving.

    Looking at your diary I would suggest eating more protein as well.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What's your goal per week? With only ten pounds left, you shouldn't be trying for more than a half pound a week, and that should give you a bit more than 1200 calories a day to play with. As a stay at home Mom, you're activity level *can't* be sedentary. :wink:
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I just bumped my net up to 1700/day today.

    I've been plateaued for the past 5 of my 11 total weeks on MFP. I figured my average before the plateau was 1500/day and AFTER the plateau was 1450/day. Obviously, less is not more in my case! I'm going to stick with it this time for 3 weeks before judging and even then if it's not working I'll be going to a calorie cycling program that averages out to the same thing for another 2 weeks before I throw my hands up in the air again.
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    I try to stay between 1200 and 1350 cal a day. I don't eat back my exercise cals, that way the weight will come off a little quicker. As long as you eat 1200 calories, you don't need to worry about starvation mode. Also, the more you have to lose the faster it tends to come off, and vice versa. But don't get discouraged, hitting a plateau is normal, just hang in there and look to you MFP friends for support. They will help you stay on track with their great encouragements!! Also, if you are a soda drinker, even if it is diet, that will slow down you weight loss. The .8 lbs you gained could be water weight. make sure you weigh yourself at the same time of day each week. Before breakfast and getting dressed works best for me. Hang in there and don't give up! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! :wink:

    This was what I was doing. I know I'm probably freaking out for nothing. But now I just want to find the right number now that I am at the end of my weight loss. Thankfully I've never been into alcohol, sodas, or any of those other extra cal stuff. Just gotta get this eating correct.
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    How carefully are you measuring your food portions? It is very easy to measure incorrectly if you are just eyeballing it. Eating at your BMR will result in weight loss as your daily calories from moving around and the like are not part of your BMR. BMR is the calories needed to keep you alive and breathing but doing nothing else. Also, ditch the scale and start measuring you chest, waist, hips, and thighs. I have read enough people here who go through long stretches of not losing anything (3 weeks or more) but they continue to lose inches. There are various reasons for that, but if you are losing inches (or parts of inches more likely each week) you are losing fat even if the scale is not moving.

    Looking at your diary I would suggest eating more protein as well.

    I do measure everything. I have never measured myself. I feel like I would need someone else to measure me in order to be accurate. But I will start since I'm eating more and not loosing I need some kind of system.

    I always go over on protien. How much many mg do you suggest?
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 Member
    For protein if you're working out (especially with strength training) you want around 1 gram protein per pound of body weight. Gram on that one. I've got my goals set so I'm eating 1 gram per pound of my goal weight. The weights coming off, which it didn't for a long time (added 15 lbs after stopping working with the dietitian)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    For protein if you're working out (especially with strength training) you want around 1 gram protein per pound of body weight. Gram on that one. I've got my goals set so I'm eating 1 gram per pound of my goal weight. The weights coming off, which it didn't for a long time (added 15 lbs after stopping working with the dietitian)

    The 1g/lb concept is NOT a universal standard, while there's nothing wrong with that much protein, it's definitely not a requirement for proper nutrition. Most nationally accredited associations recommend between .7 and 1.9 grams per kilogram protein per day, with a few situations allowing higher. that means about .32 and .9 grams per pound body weight per day, now if you said 1 g/lb lean body mass, I'd be more inclined to agree.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My first question is how long did you try each calorie goal? It takes our bodies 1 week to 2 weeks to adjust and changes to start occurring. If you gave up after a week or two, you don't really know if that was working or not. For me, it takes a week for my body to decide the calorie change is not 'temporary' and begin fueling from my fat stores. Then, it takes another 2 weeks for my fat loss to catch up to my calorie deficits. Even then, there are times that I go weeks and weeks with no loss, then BAM! a bunch suddenly falls off.

    Sometimes, you have to step back and look at the big picture. This morning, I compared my monthly average intake with my monthly average burn with that month's weight loss. No correlation, but I did notice that in February, I lost nothing - actually gained 1/2 pound. In June, I lost nearly 6 pounds. My goal is only 1 pound per week. Fact is, if you look at the BIG picture, there have been 24 weeks in the year, so far, and presto!! I've lost 24 pounds.

    I honestly think the biggest "secrets" are to be reasonable in your deficits, be consistant (no cheating) and be patient. If you stick to it...your body has no choice but to give up the weight. All the other stuff is just details. Ie: how much will I bloat, how much fat vs muscle will I lose, how hungry will i get, how well will i sleep, how healthy will I be when I'm done. all just details. Bottom line is...eat at a deficit consistantly, and you have to lose weight.
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    My first question is how long did you try each calorie goal? It takes our bodies 1 week to 2 weeks to adjust and changes to start occurring. If you gave up after a week or two, you don't really know if that was working or not. For me, it takes a week for my body to decide the calorie change is not 'temporary' and begin fueling from my fat stores. Then, it takes another 2 weeks for my fat loss to catch up to my calorie deficits. Even then, there are times that I go weeks and weeks with no loss, then BAM! a bunch suddenly falls off.

    Sometimes, you have to step back and look at the big picture. This morning, I compared my monthly average intake with my monthly average burn with that month's weight loss. No correlation, but I did notice that in February, I lost nothing - actually gained 1/2 pound. In June, I lost nearly 6 pounds. My goal is only 1 pound per week. Fact is, if you look at the BIG picture, there have been 24 weeks in the year, so far, and presto!! I've lost 24 pounds.

    I honestly think the biggest "secrets" are to be reasonable in your deficits, be consistant (no cheating) and be patient. If you stick to it...your body has no choice but to give up the weight. All the other stuff is just details. Ie: how much will I bloat, how much fat vs muscle will I lose, how hungry will i get, how well will i sleep, how healthy will I be when I'm done. all just details. Bottom line is...eat at a deficit consistantly, and you have to lose weight.

    Ive only increased my calories for 1 week. But I'm not quitting. I'm determined to find the answer to this because when I loose all my weight and I will I want to be able to maintain and live a healthy life. I want this to be permanant.

    I've taken my measurements and I am now going to eat my BMR plus burned calories. Its interesting because this number is right around the number mfp recommends for 1/2 lb weight loss a week for me. So my body has to be trippin just a little right now. I just know it. Theres no way I can work out this hard and not loose eating the cals I'm eating. So I will document my progress here and hopefully others can reference it and get freed from eating so few cals...

    WI was today...I'm up 1.8...I'll update next wends
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Do you use a HRM? I know sometimes the exercise calories on here are pretty off so that might be it, also water weight. Or, when your muscles tear they retain water to help them build and repair so that could be it too. Try taking a day off and reduce your sodium intake and see if the next day is any better.

    cant afford one now....i think mfp might be off though
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Just giving an update after a little over a week my extra weight gain has come off. Had to watch sodium and increase the water. Looking forward to the next couple of weeks to see what happens with this eating back calorie thing. It takes time but I think eating back calories works
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    good for you!
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