Better off with low cal diet?

kew736 Posts: 28
I have been dieting off and on for the past 2 months. I start to diet, but then I usually cave in and fall off the wagon. However, I have found that it is less likely that I will overeat or be indifferent towards my food when I am on a low calorie diet.

I've played around with the amount of calories I ate each day, and when I was on the low 1200 cals, I am less likely to stray.
But when I upped my intake to 1500 or 1700, I would last half the time on the diet. I guess it is due to getting used to eating just to fill up the calories. Whereas for a low cal diet, each calorie was important and planned so I would;nt be left starving and with no cals left at the end of the night.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

I've decided to bump down to 1200 cals again because I actually lost weight before when I ate that amount of calories...


  • I know what you mean - when I was on weight watchers and they changed the plan, all fruits and veggies were considered zero points, it totally threw me. I couldn't get past it and found without the structure I couldn't stay with it and actually started to overeat and gain. If I get any wiggle room I find I eat more and won't lose either.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    yes. when I am at 1500-1600 I am not hungry enough to eat good food for all of that so I find myself filling in with treats that I don't really need but want and then that leads me back to the same bad habits that got me there in the first place so I tend to stick to 1200 and a lot of times I am under but I am very careful about the quality of the food I eat when the calories are lower.
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