Does alcohol ruin your diet?



  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    i dont usually gain by drinking alcohol; but i plateau; st. pattys day i had 10drinks, and plateaud for 3weeks straight, even though i followed every rule. another time i have 5 and plateaud for 2 weeks. I try to just have 1-3 drinks and i seem to be fine.

    Drink lots and lots of water when you drink; dont drink anything with caffeine as a mixer (pop, crystal light, tea, coffee, etc--caffeine depletes your water and you need all the water u can get); drink juices as mixer, 100% juice juices, which might be higher calorie, but you got to think of the health side of it because adding caffeine, etc will help u bloat. drink tons of water the following day as well, dont eat while drinking because even after 2 drinks your metabolism significantly drops by minimum 25%, and by drink 5-6, you have no metabolism at all.

    make sure u log each shot, each beer, and dont go over calories. Remember a draft beer is 16oz, not 12, so dont log a 12oz beer when having a draft beer (off the tap).

    Rum is made from sugar cane; id imagine it has a high sugar content; where other things like whiskey and vodka are made from grains and such. Dont drink any alcohol that is sugar based; such as jager, peach schnapps, triple sec, etc.

    Straight shots are the best; lowest calories as well as getting you drunker than an entire beer. I like tequila with a lemon wedge; lemon is healthy for you and is only 1 calorie.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    A calorie is a calorie... alcohol isn't the problem, as long as you track the intake. I have a similar weekend problem... but it's what I lose control and eat when I'm drinking that's the problem. My willpower gets drunk and let's me eat bad things... Less drinking = better eating habits.

    I agree with you about the lack of willpower. But it's over simplifying things to say a calorie is a calorie. It's one thing to leave room in your overall calorie count to allow for a couple of cocktails. But you certainly can't do the opposite (drink the bulk of your calories) and expect to live very long....or least live a sober/healthy life.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Alcohol is not a problem if you stick with low calories beer or a glass of red wine. I have a glass of wine at least 5 times a week and its only about 100 calories for 15flounces. Works for me. maybe you can try this.

    What brand of wine are you drinking that is only 100 cals for 15 ounces? Most wines are about 20 cals per 5oz glass is 100 cals.
  • bcbman
    bcbman Posts: 96 Member
    Totally understand I love my gentleman jack and diet pepsi in the evenings. I joined in early June lost about 5 pounds right away then had a couple of days of drinking got it back. I decided to really limit my drinking and it has worked out well for me. I still have an occasional drink when I have a good exercise day (1000 calorie type day). So I loss 9 pounds this month so far and I know it cause I have limited my drinking. To be sure I have stepped up my exercise regimen also. Good luck
  • anthonybreaux
    I've been on Atkins for a while. Alcohol is death on that diet, might as well drink pure sugar syrup. But most diets are more forgiving.

    You didn't say how much you are drinking, have you considered having one then switching to a non-alcohol non-sugar drink for the rest of the evening? Tip the bartender to switch you to straight seltzer, or diet ginger ale, or iced tea, or something simular after that first drink.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    Oh, and weigh in on Friday morning only, after you've spent a good long week getting rid of the excess from the weekend. :D

    That's a great idea for ANY of us to do. Why does Sunday or Monday have to be the weigh-in day? As long as it's every week...then who cares what day of the week? I tend to slack off over the weekend because my cupboards run empty and we end up eating out. Weighing on Friday would show all the work I put into it Monday-Friday. Hmmm...I shall now weigh-in Saturday mornings before the debauchery of the weekends begins! :bigsmile:
    I too weigh in on Fridays too!!!
  • microbio72
    microbio72 Posts: 19 Member
    I think it does mine, but it might be more the lack of food willpower I have and the lack of energy after a couple drinks than the alcohol itself.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I am simply trying to lose about 25 lbs. I know some people believe that is an incredibly small amount but for me it has been so hard. I have had such a hard time. I think I finally realized why. I am extremely strict about my eating and love fresh fruits, veggies and lean meats during the week. I can even tolerate eating lean meats and no fried food on MOST weekends. There is definitely room for wings or pizza. I've found my weakness is alcohol. I'm even smart about drinking light beer or mixing with Crystal Light or soda water instead of juices and soft drinks. It seems that everywhere we go, drinking is involved. I even see the scale drop about a pound during the week then the weekend hits and I've officially labled myself as a "weekend warrior" because I always put back whatever I lost. I even work out 5 days a week for about an hour in the gym. Right now I'm maintaining my weight but it sucks!

    I know many would recommend an AA meeting for me but it's not that extreme (and yes I's aware of denial). I've been on birth control for years and that has also caused problems with weight gain/loss.

    How can I get out of this habit? Does anyone else do the same?

    I quit drinking when I started this journey. Now if I drink, even a low calorie drink, I am bloaty and feel crappy afterwards.

    For me, it is a problem trying to lose weight and drink, but plenty of others do it without a problem. It depends on what works for you. LIke any other vice, keep it in moderation at first and if that doesn't work, cut it out.