oh boy...this is not working!!!!



  • nseuell
    nseuell Posts: 110
    Does your doctor have some suggestions for a good PCOS diet? How about high protein, low/moderate fat, and low/moderate carbs?

    I agree that you should check with what your doctor says is best!!! This is a great place for personal, not professional opinions...
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I do a reduced carb (not "low") and higher protein, higher (but not "high") fat. Those are all very vague comments but my ranges may not work for you. I do better on a lower carb diet too but I don't feel carbs are the enemy. The carbs I do eat are from whole foods as much as possible and if I have something like bread occasionally I make it myself from wholemeal flour. You can buy true whole grain breads but you have to be careful that you read labels and make sure they are whole grain.

    For me, I try to keep my carbs right around 100 grams a day. This gives me enough that my brain is clear, I have energy to do what I need to do (including P90X and Taekwondo) but it's not enough that it slows down my weight loss. Since switching to this way of eating my abdominal fat has been shrinking much faster than it did before (which totally thrills me!)

    You don't have to go to extremes, just try adjusting your ratios and stick with it for a couple of weeks. If you're getting too much fat and it's making your stomach hurt, reduce it a little bit but remember that you need some fat. Having no gall bladder myself though I understand what you're dealing with.
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    When I started Atkins the first 2 weeks my body had to switch gears. I had some headaches and had low energy for that time. Then it just switched for me.

    I was eating about 25 net carbs a day (at least 2-3 cups of green veggies/natural fiber) and did this for about 3 years and I was very strong, healthy, lowered my BP and CHOL and was going to a personal trainer 2X a week.

    Obviously i'm back and now regulating calories not carbs so it didn't work for me as a lifestyle choice, but I didn't have PCOS which may have forced the issue. I just thought this information might be helpful to share.