Row The Boat Team Burning Sensation (Closed Group)

You may think the name is sexual. But it's more than that.
This team does not fool around. No is not an option.
We are strong and willing to take it farther!

We burn with enthusiastic, we deliver with power!

Here is the sheet to track the Calories ♥

Here is the starting point of our Mission to travel around the world :),-5.350342&spn=2.063771,4.938354
Dont worry I just asked to put your guys names in there. :) so you will see it soon.

Let's rock this! Show what we are made of!! ♥

These are the people that is on my team :)

1. SammyLynn010 2. Adorak 3. Utefootball2010 4. LaPistolaSexola 5.norcalbowler 6. Reepobob 7. Angel1066 8. MiniMichelle 9. brewingaz 10. Brittany_Kayy 11. wendyco 12. whoatrisha 13. JEK717 14. ulke 15. FabiolaEnvy (Captain)


♥ Wishes the best for every other teams out there ♥


  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    <singing....i'm burnin' up...burnin' up for your love.....>
  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    That's right! We r strong! Not even penicillin can stop us! Go team burning sensation!!!!! Woohoo!!!!
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    <singing....i'm burnin' up...burnin' up for your love.....>

    *sings a different song* cause im burning up, burning up for you baby :blushing:
  • wendyco
    wendyco Posts: 122 Member
    this is a 50 day thing? lol i thought it was a july challenge!! lol! I hope I can keep it up through 50 days and my mojo doesnt fail!! July 1st is day 1 right?!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I am EFFING stoked...I kick off the second phase of my second round of P90X right around July 1 and if I can do it, I plan on mixing three days of Cardio-X in with the normal P90X schedule...Let's win this thing...itching, scratching, and burning to the finish line...

    How many calories are there in penicillin?

    Added the XLS and the map to my favorites, Capt. Fabi....
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    this is a 50 day thing? lol i thought it was a july challenge!! lol! I hope I can keep it up through 50 days and my mojo doesnt fail!! July 1st is day 1 right?!!

    Yes it starts on July 1st :) ill be putting up reminds the day before :)
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    enemy invasion! enemy invasion! u have just been invaded by team fesse! GOOOOO TEAMMMMM FESSEEEEEE!!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    enemy invasion! enemy invasion! u have just been invaded by team fesse! GOOOOO TEAMMMMM FESSEEEEEE!!!

    I take back all of the nice things I said about you, you scallywag, you scurvy dog..ARRRRGGGGGGHHHH.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    enemy invasion! enemy invasion! u have just been invaded by team fesse! GOOOOO TEAMMMMM FESSEEEEEE!!!

    I take back all of the nice things I said about you, you scallywag, you scurvy dog..ARRRRGGGGGGHHHH.
    u still love me... its ok. u dont have to act like u dont in front of ur ship mates. get used to seein my *kitten*.... ur gonna see it the whole month of july baby!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I just wanted to wish you all the best of luck.

    H x
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member

    good luck everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    This sure ain't the "good ship lolly pop!"
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    enemy invasion! enemy invasion! u have just been invaded by team fesse! GOOOOO TEAMMMMM FESSEEEEEE!!!

    I take back all of the nice things I said about you, you scallywag, you scurvy dog..ARRRRGGGGGGHHHH.
    u still love me... its ok. u dont have to act like u dont in front of ur ship mates. get used to seein my *kitten*.... ur gonna see it the whole month of july baby!

    You better LIVE on that elliptical, young've seen my burns. That is all...:tongue:

    Although staring at your *kitten* is one hell of a consolation prize...just sayin'...
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    This team captain is cracking up xD
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    I just wanted to wish you all the best of luck.

    H x

    thanks i wish your team the best too :)
  • FabiolaEnvy♥

    good luck everyone!:flowerforyou:

    be wishing your team the best ;D
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    enemy invasion! enemy invasion! u have just been invaded by team fesse! GOOOOO TEAMMMMM FESSEEEEEE!!!

    you know!! I love Fesse very much!!
    So I'll be nice :blushing:

    Now let me see that *kitten* of yours :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Fesse going to kill me xD:indifferent:
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    I just love my team. We are going to Rock the boat!!!
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    Capin' you just want just to send you our calories burned everyday on this thread?
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    Capin' you just want just to send you our calories burned everyday on this thread?

    Hmm... If it helps you thats fine. :) Ill be reminding everyone Everyday on their page. :)

    or by msg.

    but if you like to give it to me here thats fine too :)
    we gotta make this thread very active thats for sure