My boss made me feel like crap....



  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    You don't need advice, you need a boss who isn't an *kitten*!!

    PERFECT!!!!!!!! Keep going girlie!!!!! Screw him!!
  • cjsgrimlin
    cjsgrimlin Posts: 246
    That is really mean. Don't let it get you down, you have done wonderful. You need to keep up your efforts true, but you never know he might be suffering and your happiness has him more depressed. Still he's raining on your parade, so Break out the umbrella and dance in the rain!!! You'll get more fun from it! Try not to let people's jealous vibes hurt you too bad, I know its really hard, but just think there are so much more of us that will tell you you have done great here. Start dancing, you've earned it!!!
  • jadedm
    jadedm Posts: 31 Member
    First off.. There is something within his self as to the reason why he would say that to someone else.. And then used the word "Disgusting"? HOW dare he? I'll file verbal harassment on him just to be a meanie. First off, I'm sure the little fruit cake isn't the best lookin' guy in the world and for him to sit and say that you are disgusting for a certain size is unprofessional in the matters of conversation. He should keep that " You shouldn't let yourself get fat" attitude to himself. Everyone has reasons why and when people try and do something about it..IT's still a problem. Obviously he doesn't want you to catch up with him and show him out of the water. Your motivation should be in yourself and how you feel about how you look...and feel in your new body. That's your motivation right there also..people who throw shade on hard work and effort. Whereever you work...he won't be there long. Because you don't talk to NOONE like that..and it always comes back to you twice fold... Keep going mama! I wish I was at your size right now. I started at 297 and Now I'm at 258.. Still have a long ways to go..but it's further away from 300 and closer to a healthier life style. So tell him to "shove it." that's if you aren't afraid of getting suspended.. xDD lol
  • StephanieBLucas7
    Unfortunately people that are unhappy with something in their own lives feel a need to make others feel bad too. You know the old saying, "misery loves company." He is a jerk and is probably just trying to find a way to deal with his own insecurities. Don't let him get you down. You are on a forward path to making yourself healthier and happier, don't let anyone get in your way!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    There are always THOSE people. Don't let his ol' featherweight a-- have enough control over you to keep you down. There are just people, even people we could be close to, who prefer us overweight because it means we're not as "good" as they are. We behave with less confidence when we're not fit and living healthy, and some people thrive on this. It's sad, but your boss is one of those people. He can't feel good unless he makes someone else feel bad. I believe the professional term is: hater.

    Do your thing, hun.
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    Clearly he only feels better about himself when he criticizes other people. I know it's hard, but ignore him. That is his own warped opinion. You are awesome and deserve to be proud of your hard work!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    That's border line harassment. Your boss has a boss. If not, go to the corprate office. He should not be allowed to talk to you that way.

    I don't think there's a border line about it. That's unprofessional and uncalled for. Report his obnoxious *kitten*.

    And if he is the boss (small business owner)... GET OUT of that situation. *kitten* like that don't deserve good employees like you. But the longer you stay in a situation like that, the more it drags you down. It's like being in a bad relationship.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    What's disgusting is his attitude. Is he always that callous? I hope he doesn't work in any type of service industry and or have to deal with people!

    You just remind yourself who you are doing this! Surround yourself as much as possible with positive people. And talk to us on MFP regularly , we all share in different struggles and generally have someone in our lives that is not particularly supportive.
    He is the one that has the problem of being judgemental, perhaps he isn't familiar with " Judge not lest ye be judged"...
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Words are hurtful. I'm so sorry. You deserve some serious congratulations for losing an incredible amount of weight! Well done, and keep up the great job!
  • mrstoripowell
    mrstoripowell Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for all the support and advice! I was just taken aback by such a nasty comment at work!!!! I have never had that said to me.........anyway thank yall so much!!! I might just take this to HR if he says anything else about me.......
  • Elizabeth38NC
    Honey... try not to let that make you feel bad... always the naturally skinng people say mean things like that when 9 times out of ten they can thank their genetics and metabolism for being able to be thin and not because he is probably doing anything spectacular or would do anything spectacular to "not get that way"... ... You be proud of what you are doing. You are beautiful inside and out and he is just rude and ugly inside and probably out too, not to mention judgmental. People like that should stop and think that life paths good bad or in between sometimes bring us to a place we don't want to be and it doesn't make us any lesser of a person.. You hang in there and keep on your path...:-) Love from NC ... Beth
  • mattbryan
    mattbryan Posts: 147
    Like was mentioned earlier, his cruel and heartless comment is more a reflection of what a piece of caca he is rather than a slight against your accomplishment! Keep your chin high and prove to him that you're a better person. You've started a good thing, and you will be able to finish it!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Ignore the idiot!!
  • babs23
    babs23 Posts: 86
    Unfortunately... for some reason people feel it's okay to talk/look down to others who are overweight. We all experience it in one way or another. I was once told that I didn't get a job because they were "looking for someone to be the face of the company." What do you even say to something like that? It should be discrimination, but it's not considered so.

    You are amazing for achieving that level of weight loss! You certainly don't need some *kitten* telling you anything different. *hugs*

    Someone here linked this poem a while back... I like it a lot, I think it may help:

    “It’s No Fun Being a Fat Girl” ~ A Poem

    It’s no fun being the fat girl,
    As I’m sure you can all relate:

    I’m tired of elastic waistbands and poppin’ buttons,
    Of the chaffing thighs,
    And the “Oh my my’s”
    Shopping in the “women’s” department
    And being the fattest one at a party.

    I’ve had it with being the wing “man,”
    The biggest bride’s maid,
    Avoiding the beaches and bathing suits,
    Looking at my chins multiply,
    And trying to love my love handles!

    It’s no fun when someone asks when the baby’s due,
    When someone is outright rude—
    And comments on how fat you’ve gotten,
    Sadly, I have learned that being obese gives people permission
    To treat you like you have no feelings.

    Every girl wants to fit into that little black dress,
    To feel good about how she looks—
    To get compliments and to dress to impress,
    But squeezing bulges into the latest fashions
    Is no easy task, and that fat sure is hard to mask!

    I done with hearing men’s insults,
    I’ve learned never to ask, “Honey, do I look fat in this?”
    I’ve heard I’ll leave you if you get fatter more that once,
    And some boyfriends have tried to tell me how to eat,
    Watching me every moment to see if I will cheat.

    It’s nearly impossible to fit into a classroom desk,
    An airplane seat or restaurant booth,
    A crowded elevator . . . a roller coaster seat,
    Some women embrace their fat,
    And date fetish men that think of them as meat . . .

    But that is not me.
    I hate being big; I hate avoiding people because I gotten so fat,
    I hate being the fattest friend,
    I hate the wiggles and the jiggles and the cellulite thighs
    The stretch marks and the strained bra strap.

    I want to take pictures and not throw them away,
    I want to know what it’s like to be thin,
    I want to know what it’s like to wear a size ten,
    I want to be the object of desire—
    I want to feel like the Goddess that I know I am.

    It’s no fun being the fat girl,
    I’m ready to shed those layers of protection,
    Those layers of self hate,
    And do this for me
    I’m going to lose this weight!

    I’m sure you can all relate.

  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    What a jerk! If I had seen that I would have stepped right out and slapped him in the face! Report him if you can and want to, that's definitely five kinds of wrong. If you don't want to pursue it and just forget his sorry butt, that's just fine too.

    Be proud of who you are and how far you've come, you are amazing!
  • heatherleigh12
    I am sorry that happend to you!!!!!! You are doing amazing dont let someone like that take away all of your hard work!!!!!!

    So proud of you keep it up!!!!!!
  • beccaclyma2002
    sweetie you are awsome for losin that much weight, no matter what he says, we all belive in you !! we have been down that road more times than we can count. i know i have.. you are a great wonderful woman.. you can do this!!
    pretty soon, that idiot won't be able to say anything to you.. you are goin to hit your GW and tell him to kiss off..
    keep goin hun you can do it.. you have gone this far .. KEEP GOIN !! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mialsya
    mialsya Posts: 188 Member
    Excuse my language, but that guy is an @sshole. Does your company have an HR department? I would lodge a formal complaint. That's discriminatory and no one should have to stand for that.

    As for you, you should be so proud of yourself! Any amount of weight loss, especially as much as you have achieved, is extraordinary. You and your success helps those of us who are just starting find our motivation to keep chasing you and your numbers. If my ex-husband taught me anything, when someone tries to knock you off your pedestal, show them how low they are by raising yourself up higher! :D
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    You have made a great accomplishment and you shouldn't let anyone bring you down! I cannot believe your boss said that to you. Surely there is someone you can speak to about that?
    Hopefully you start feeling better because you have come a long way and there is no looking back! Congrats on your loss so far, and don't let anyone be negative around you!!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    You should be proud of yourself and ignore the jerk! Try to turn this around to motivate you instead of being frustrated. You are at the right place (MFP) with all the people support you. It's very important to be surrounded with positive and supportive group.