Wii Fit question - from a complete idiot !



  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I have Wii Fit Plus. It's very good - although I find that I don't use it as much as I should. I'm not sure how accurate it is either - I did the free running one but ran on my treadmill - the two calorie counts I had were very different.

    I believe that this is because the Fit takes your weight in to account and the treadmill is just a generic calorie burn.
  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    I have it. I love it, but I never use it for a 'real' workout. It only comes out when our friends are over.
    The boards you stand on for a lot of the workouts are quite delicate; you can't bounce on them (it says so in the manual), so the cardio is practically non existent. I think workout DVD are much better... just add more to you collection.

    Other things that don't include a gym membership:
    dancing - just put on some dancing tunes and go crazy in your living room.
    There are exercises you can do at home that you can get from Youtube... one of my favourites is bodyrock. New workout nearly everyday.