
I have been dieting for three weeks and have a net gain/loss of 0 lbs. My calorie intake has been below my goal everyday except one. Actually, I have eaten approximately 150 calories below my goal most days. I am only trying to lose 1 lb a week. Also, when I feel my stomach, I don't think that I feet soft. Where am I going to lose my weight if not my stomach? I have been doing "Couch to 5K" for past couple of weeks; however, I had to adjust the times because I couldn't catch my breath. Today, I was able to run an extra minute, so that it is encouraging, considering I couldn't hardly run a week ago.



  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Weight is the least effective means to gauge fitness. You are working out, building muscle, which is denser than fat, and watching your intake. Take measurements. A scale doesn't know ANYTHING except for the effect of gravity on your body. It doesn't know anything about your body composition, water weight, muscle mass, or anything else. Just the effect of gravity.
    Take heart, keep up the hard work and find different means to find validation that your hard work is paying off. :)
  • msech
    msech Posts: 32
    I lost 9lbs total in about 5 weeks and now I am gaining it all back even though I adjusted my calorie intake to 150 calories less than what it was when I started and I work out twice as much as I did when I started.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Try to up your calories closer to the goal. If you're eating too few calories your body will go into starvation mode and hold onto everything you eat instead of actually burning it off.
    150 cals below seems too low.

    Good luck!!