For the Girls : Abnormal Pap Smears, Anxiety, and Exercise



  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    So the results came back that I have moderate dysplasia, stage 2 that's considered high grade. My doctor wants to perform a LEEP to remove the part of my cervix that it's on, and also be able to run tests on the removed section for any deeper cells that may exist.

    Reading online, I'm not really sure how comfortable I feel with a LEEP. There is a change with stage 2 that it'll clear up on its own, but a good chance it'll spread as well.

    What are your concerns about the LEEP?
  • Rebjones612
    Rebjones612 Posts: 408
    I too went through the same situtation. I had never had a pap smear until I got pregnant with my daughter who is now 14. My mom really never talked to me about those things and I didn't know I need to get one. So when the OBGYN checked me out he said I needed one and sure enough it came back abnormal. I had mild displasia. I was so scared. I was 21 years old and felt sick at the thought of the word "Cancer". That being said I had a leep done and have had all normal paps since.
    I hated when people told me not to worry, it is impossible.
    Just know that God is with you always and you will be in my prayers.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    Some people described being able to smell their flesh burning during the procedure. Although the potential complications are small, there is a chance that it will effect pregnancy later on in life, making it easier to miscarry and during childbirth. Granted, this is also based on how much they take out. Also the chance of infection is really high as well. I've never been one to go to doctors and tend to stick to more natural forms of healing, and this seems rather invasive.
  • mgravy
    mgravy Posts: 47
    I've never been one to go to doctors and tend to stick to more natural forms of healing, and this seems rather invasive.

    I'm the same way and completely agree with you here. However, if you go the natural route, I would still keep in touch with your doctor to make sure everything is getting better, not worse. Rosemary Gladstar has a book you might be interested in, "Herbal Healing for Women."

    Best of luck. :)
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I was awake for mine. You can smell the burning smell. That's not really a huge annoyance similar to hearing a dentist drilling in your mouth. I had similar concerns about future pregnancies because I already had a preemie when I had my LEEP. I went to a specialist to have mine done specifically because of this. He removed the absolute minimum he could. Still with barely any cervix left to stitch, I had two perfectly full term babies after.

    I guess you have to ask yourself which concerns you more...potentially having cancer issues since I think I remember you saying you have a family history of it or potential pregnancy problems. With so much cancer in my family AND a preemie history I still opted for the LEEP because if I was sick with cancer, there weren't going to be any babies to worry about.
  • mizjohnston
    mizjohnston Posts: 196 Member
    Hello. I went through the same thing about 4 years ago. I am not going to tell you don't worry because you can't help it. If anything, try to go for walks and make sure to listen to music. I wouldn't talk to to many people about it even though you think you may feel better. A lot of people can scare you instead of making it better, trust me. I heard so much. Long story short they were pre-cancerous, I had the surgery and I was fine. Had to rest for a week. I really felt no pain. Everybody made it seem so bad who has been through. Do I like it? No, but it could have been worse. Plus nobody can really compare because everybody is different. You will have to get paps a few times in a year now until they have been cleared for a certain amount of time. What I can tell you is I have Kaiser now so I get all my results for any kind of test that night or the next day. It was a lot better then my old insurance which would take a week, it was hell then. God bless and just keep yourself busy. :smile: