


  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I think if you have a real medical issue you should go to an expert. I also think there are way too many personal trainers out there that really don' t know what they are doing. I have tons of people ask me how to lose weight since I lost so much and have kept it off. I never tell people what they should do, I tell them what has worked for me and that they need to find what works for them. If anyone on here asks someone else what to do and follows it to a tee without doing their own research or ever questioning that would be silly. And I am not saying you don't have the qualifications you say you do but c'mon, this is the internet. I can tell you I am 5'11" weigfh 135, live in Hollywood and used to date the Brad Pitt, how do you know if I am lying or not?

  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    this is why when I give "advice" i always make sure to put: I AM NOT AN EXPERT OF ANY KIND in there somewhere :-) lol
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I don’t think degrees, certifications or titles are relevant. I work with a lot of people with advanced degrees and certifications that know very little about their field and this is something that happens across industries and specializations. Certifications can essentially be purchased and many people get degrees from “degree mill” universities. In both cases there can be very little actual knowledge transfer. In the case of internet forums, even if a person claims to have credentials, how do you know for sure? In many cases there are very few ways to verify them.

    My advice is to do your own research based upon your goals, always double or triple check anything anyone tells you with credible sources and experiment for yourself. If you are serious about fitness there are a number of great and credible books out there that you can purchase and teach yourself everything that you need to know. That is what I have done.