CrossFit members out there?

Today marks my one month anniversary of starting CrossFit.. Yay!

I actually bought the membership as part of a local Groupon and have fallen in love. I just was wondering if any MFP'ers out there attend a CrossFit gym and if so, what has your success been? This past month I went 5-6 days a week, every week, and really really tried to stick to my calories. I went over a few days, but I have been working out HARD! I gained almost 7 pounds this month, which is a bit discouraging if focusing on the number alone...

I feel much stronger though and can see some obvious muscles trying to poke out! I have lifted weights (correctly, with a trainer) for years so I'm surprised at what I've accomplished in the month of June. My Groupon is up but I am really really considering signing up officially. It's $160 a month.

If you've been doing it for a while, is it worth it!?


  • RebelliousRibbons
    RebelliousRibbons Posts: 391 Member
    I'm glad to hear of your muscle-gaining progress! But $160 a month?! I could never afford that!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Ours is $100 a month unlimited (I go 3-4 times a week). It used to be $150 but a lot of people quit because they couldn't afford it so he lowered the prices. It is amazing! I still do a couple regular weight training/HIIT workouts a week in addition to it, but I couldn't go back to that on a full time basis. I'm hooked!

    Edited: This is my 9th month of doing it...I didn't lose any weight (wasn't trying to) but lost about 3% body fat. It is definitely worth it and you will see yourself get stronger and progress as time goes by! I couldn't do a real pushup to save my life, now I can knock out 25 no problem. I can do a pullup unassisted, or 20 pullups with a band. You will see results if you work the program (i.e. use heavier weights!)
  • jell52
    jell52 Posts: 15
    I haven't started crossfit yet. I have been doing crossfit bootcamp that I started with a groupon. (Thank goodness for that.) I had never heard of it before and now I am hooked. I am going to switch over to crossfit at the beginning of next month. I actually continued the bootcamp for 2 months after my groupon and am now finally ready to upgrade. :) I'm really excited. Since starting I have lost weight too, which is an added bonus. I feel much stronger and actually crave the workouts.