To buy or not to buy.. a scale.



  • endgame013
    I know it's not healthy... but I weigh myself everyday... to judge what I should eat... I've lost 36 lbs so far... I think its working. a scale is a must. Or if not a scale you need to take measurements once a week to make sure you are actually making progress
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I actually think he has a point.

    We own a scale, but I rarely step on it more than once every other week or so, just to do a routine check so I can log my fitness stats. Using your weight as a measurement of your success can be motivational, but it won't tell you if you're building muscle, or changing your body composition overall; It will just tell you how hard gravity is pulling on you.

    You can actually go in an elevator and weigh yourself while you're going down, and drop up to 10lbs that way. Doesn't mean your muscles are somehow more magically toned, or your cardio endurance is miraculously increased by "losing" that ten pounds. It just means that gravity didn't have as big of an effect on you in the elevator as it did in your bathroom at home.

    It's up to you, but if you get a scale, I would not weigh yourself more often than once a week, at most. Relying on that number alone is a waste of time.
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    Hmmmm…I’m stuck on “LET” you buy…I think you need address why it is HIS decision. I have a very traditional marriage but I have never been told I could not make a purchase I felt I needed or just wanted. Your weight loss journey is important and you deserve all of his support.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Get a scale. . . Yes you can weigh just once a week if you want, but you need to know what is working and what isn't. With all due respect I know from experience that you can lose a lot of inches by building muscle, I lost 3 sizes after the birth of my daughter and no weight, from going to the gym. . When I started boxing and changing what I ate. .. I lost weight. . So both things come into play. .

    I have a weight watchers scale and really love it. . very accurate. . . I know that they have WW scales that also measure body fat. . I don't have that model, but sounds great. . Most people use the calipers. . .Anyway. . Good luck with your journey. . Make sure also that you are drinking 1/2 your weight in water every day as that plays a huge role in losing and cleansing. . . Hope this helps.

    :bigsmile: Jade
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    So.. hubby knows I'm on this diet, trying to lose a few pounds... he's glad for me, proud of the stuff I'm eating. But, he will NOT let me buy a scale yet. His rationality is, "When we start to see results, we'll know. If you get on a scale once a week to see what you are losing, you'll stress over it and not lose as much."

    I do see his point...but I want to KNOW I'm losing it!!! Losing a pound or 2 isn't going to be visible, but I'd like to kno that the way I'm eating and things I'm doing are helping me make progress.

    What do you guys think??
    That's absurd.

    I've done somethings in my life that I'm proud of, somethings that have helped save lives, somethings that are almost unique (can something be "almost" unique?) but nothing has been so important to my life as losing weight. Nothing.

    The idea of skimping on a $20 scale when you're trying to improve your life is beyond comprehension.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I would buy the scale. That way you will know your starting weight, and you'll also be able to see your progress.

    If you don't know your starting weight, you could lose weight and not even know it, and you might lose motivation. I wouldn't wait around to notice the results, I love to watch that scale move!!!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    maybe he just wants to keep you barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    maybe he just wants to keep you barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen

    Pregnant woman are beautiful, fat woman . . . well. . . I guess there are cubby chasers, but still
  • endgame013
    maybe he just wants to keep you barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen

    Pregnant woman are beautiful, fat woman . . . well. . . I guess there are cubby chasers, but still
