What time of day do you work out?



  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I take a walk during both of my breaks and during my lunch hour and then I work out after dinner when I get home. So if I miss my evening workout, than at least I walked for an hour during my work day.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 917 Member
    I have read the arguements that AM workouts burn more fat b/c in that "fasting" state when you wake up you don't have much else to burn...but I tend to agree with the theory that you should work out when you feel the best.

    In the morning I am dehydrated, hungry, stiff and groggy and don't have enough time to get myself going to work out before heading out for the day...although I admit I do feel better during the day when I push through. However I think I get a more effective workout in the afternoon after work and before dinner b/c I feel better and can put an bit of an extra pep in my step...not to mention for me, exercise kills my appetite :P
  • cbratthauer
    cbratthauer Posts: 228 Member
    I definitely work out at night. I try to get up in the morning before work and take the dog for a half hour jog, but that's only happened a few times. I am definitely NOT a morning person lol
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    When it's up to me, I love evening exercise! Anywhere between 7 and 10pm is my in-the-zone time...

    But during the school year (I work 8 -5 and then go to school from 5:30-8:30 followed by studying and a bit of "me" time), I am forced to either work out in the mornings or not workout at all. So I adjust when I have to!

    I'm loving summer break right now!

    I haven't noticed a difference in either weight loss or energy levels either way.
  • msmandyjo
    msmandyjo Posts: 95 Member
    In the morning, preferably after hubby leaves for work, and before the kids get up. If they are awake, they interfere w/ my workout (climbing on me, getting in my way, or just doing something so that I have to stop and tend to them). Nap time is spent recovering the house and getting dinner started. I don't like an audience, which is why after hubs goes to work. And by the time I get done w/ my evening "chores" (dinner done, kids bathed and in bed, kitchen clean) the LAST thing i wanna do is workout.

    And, if I don't do it early, i have a million and one reasons to do it later, but later just keeps coming.I've got to Do it now, or I don't do it at all.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Since joining MFP I've become super-flexible. My preferred time is after work and before dinner. If I'm going to be out in the evening, I'll get up early to do something. If I don't get up early enough, I'll walk at lunchtime - I keep my trainers in my desk!

    Weekends are my favourite. I wake up normal time, have breakfast, go back to bed to catch upon sleep, then get up refreshed and fully-fuelled.
  • BBBgettingfit
    BBBgettingfit Posts: 58 Member
    I work out in the morning when I get up (5:15-ish) so I still have time to shower and get ready before the baby wakes up and the day really starts, with running to daycare, work, etc. The mornings sometimes feel like they're killing me, even though I'm a morning person, so I aim for three times/week and "sleep in" until 6 on the other days. But if whatever TV show on DVD I'm watching while working out is really great, it motivates me to put in an extra day or so...
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I haven't been working out at all in the past 8 weeks or so. When I do though I normally do 30 min cadio 4 times per week (evenings on a weekday, morning or afternoon on a weekend)
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I prefer mornings. But I work out when the schedule dictates. Sometimes that's morning, sometimes it's evening.

    My next 10K starts at 830pm. In the past I've had trouble with running in the evening. So, I will be training for this race around sunset to get my body ready for that.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    Right after work...around 5pm. If I don't do it right after work it's not happenning.


    Plus, it also helps burn off any stress I accumulated throughout the day.
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I use to go jogging before dinner. If I have an early dinner than I'll wait till about 9pm to go jogging. I didn't like jogging when the sun was out because I was quite self conscious of who I bumped into in my area. Plus something about jogging in quiet silence helped cleared my mind and get rid of distractions.

    Now I can't jog so much due to knee injuries so I cycle in the evening. This morning I woke up super early at 5am to cycle for three hours! That was pretty crazy but it was light outside and the road was quiet which was a nice change. I felt like the whole city was all mine!

  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    In the morning, after a small breakfast or if I am not hungry before food. That way i am burning fat and I have the rest of my day to plan my calories around it. I find planning what I eat really helpful
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Making time for exercise can be one of THE toughest hurdles right out of the gate
    when starting a healthy lifestyle of eating right and exercising.

    As a busy mom of 2 and working a full time job, finding anyfree time for me was difficult.
    Fortunately for me, a gym opened up 2 blocks from my work and shortly there after I decided
    to join, with the intention of working out over my lunch hour 3 days a week.

    2 years later, I work out over my lunch hour 5days a week and love every minute of it!
    With the help of my personal trainer, I have lost 25lbs.
    Monday is cardio and strength training, Tues all cardio, Wed work out with trainer
    Thursday all cardio, and Friday is TRX with trainer.

    The key is to find/make time for yourself and set yourself up for success-
    back your gymbag the night before and put it in the car so you have no excuse
    not to go to the gym. Vow to walk the dog everyday after dinner. Do what you can, when you can
    and if possible build on that!

    Good Luck!
  • mrfrank33
    mrfrank33 Posts: 8
    This is going to sound mental, but I love to workout super early in the morning. I am not a big sleeper, and thats one of my bad traits. But even after just a few hours sleep, I like to get up about 4:30 and workout for an hour. Then its green tea, breakfast, shower and off to work. I found that in the morning is the best and most effective time to workout, esp on an empty stomach.
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    Typically, M-F I'll do 30 mins. of cardio in the am before I get ready for work, and I keep a 20 lb dumbbell at my desk and twice a day, I'll take 5 minutes and knock out a set of 20 reps for my bis, tris, shoulders, and wrists. Sometimes if I miss my morning cardio, I'll go walkabout. The one thing I still use from livestrong is their loops feature that lets you pull up a map of where you are and map out a course that tells you distance, terrain and calories burned. I usually walk a mile on those occasions and still have enough time to eat.

    Saturday, I never know what I'm going to be doing so it all depends on the plan of the day.

    A doctor friend of mine who lifts and exercises constantly told me that it really doesn't matter much when you work out as far as results...just go when its easiest for you. Like most things, it's probably gonna be different for each person.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    At 5:00am and then again at 5:30ish pm. Twice a day! :)
  • eillims13
    eillims13 Posts: 18
    I'm a 5 am regular at my gym, I used to workout at night, but I already have trouble sleeping and I started to feel like working out so close to trying to wind my body down for bed was keeping me from falling asleep.

    I love the mornings at the gym, it's not crowded and the free weight area is pretty much empty. I don't have to worry about people getting in my way or getting in there way. Also, if I don't workout in the morning before work I can get pretty crabby after sitting in a cube for 8 hours straight.

    It also makes me feel like if I get lazy with what I eat and don't stick to my plan, I'll ruin the tough workout I accomplished earlier that day. It keeps me motivated and on track with my nutrition.
  • SoFancySoBlessed
    SoFancySoBlessed Posts: 224 Member
    I used to work out in the mornings (5:30-6:30 a.m.) but have since changed that to 8:00-8:30 pm, i found that if i can come home from work rest, spend time with the hubby and boys, put them to bed and then work out i feel like i am paying more attention to what i am doing....working out good so far!
  • PurpleCoookie
    In the afternoon, I'm not a morning person and I can't trust myself to do it at night. So this time is perfect for me
  • Mandys_Getting_Fit
    Mandys_Getting_Fit Posts: 70 Member
    It varies. If it's my stationary bike/toning day (at home), I get it over with in the morning. If it's my running day, I go in the evening after dinner, when my hubby can be home with our daughters. I honestly just squeeze it in whenever I can, whether I "want to" or not. I know it's important.