Information if diet soda


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    that article didnt give any detail backing what it was saying?
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member

    Neither article says how drinking 0 calories makes you gain weight?
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    that article didnt give any detail backing what it was saying?

    It refers to the studies and gives a link.... whether you consider that a valid resource or not is up to you
    ...two new studies presented at the American Diabetes Association's Scientific Sessions in San Diego say you're not doing yourself a favor with diet soft drinks.
    According to Science Daily, ( one study from the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio showed data that drinking diet sodas is associated with increased weight circumference. The other says aspartame raises blood sugar in diabetes-prone mice.
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    aspartame is very bad for you. Its a wood grain alcohol processed into a chemical additive sweetener. It causes alot of medical issues including headaches, neuralgia, and many more like a whole list of stuff.... It defiantly causes bloating. Iric acid that causes decayts better to drink a regular soda than diet if possible but all soda is high in sodium, sugar, citric acid that causes tooth decay, and stomach ulcers. Soda is just not good for your body! Drink water, and milk!
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I love my diet soda! I have given up bagels, french fries, pasta, rice and sweets! I have lost 100 lbs and have kept it off for 3 yrs! I drink 96 oz of water a day but I also have 4 to 5 diet sodas a day! It has not hendered or stopped my weight loss or maintenance. The only thing that stops my maintenance are too many sweets and carbs!! I hate these articles saying diet sodas make u fat! Look at other parts of ur diet to show what is making u fat!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Whether or not aspertame is bad for you isn't the point of this article. It's saying that people who drink diet soda get fatter. What it doesn't seem to point out is that people who drink sugared soda get fatter, too.

    The second article posted says "compared with those who don't drink diet soda." What it doesn't bother to say is what those people being compared to DO drink! A lot of people are going to assume that it means people who drink regular soda, but I'm betting that's not the case. If they are comparing diet soda drinkers to those who don't drink soda at all, they are comparing apples and oranges. People who don't drink soda at all tend to be more health-conscious as a whole. People who drink diet soda realize that they shouldn't be drinking all of the sugar in regular soda but possibly aren't doing anything else to watch their weight and overall nutrition.
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    Here is another great article on the subject of artifical sweetners. I pose the question, why would you want to consume anything artifical to begin with?
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Here is another great article on the subject of artifical sweetners. I pose the question, why would you want to consume anything artifical to begin with?

    Because nature doesnt make coke without calories :laugh:
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Whether or not aspertame is bad for you isn't the point of this article. It's saying that people who drink diet soda get fatter. What it doesn't seem to point out is that people who drink sugared soda get fatter, too.

    The second article posted says "compared with those who don't drink diet soda." What it doesn't bother to say is what those people being compared to DO drink! A lot of people are going to assume that it means people who drink regular soda, but I'm betting that's not the case. If they are comparing diet soda drinkers to those who don't drink soda at all, they are comparing apples and oranges. People who don't drink soda at all tend to be more health-conscious as a whole. People who drink diet soda realize that they shouldn't be drinking all of the sugar in regular soda but possibly aren't doing anything else to watch their weight and overall nutrition.

    Yeah I am not saying its not valid, they just dont give all the information, are they saying people who drink diet coke also eat other things with artifical sweetness that maybe do have calories and think they can eat more of it, or do people who drink diet sodas typically just eat more becuase that is the demographic for diet soda drinkers, it leaves out a big piece of the puzzle on how drinking 0 calories can make you gain weight.
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    Here is another great article on the subject of artifical sweetners. I pose the question, why would you want to consume anything artifical to begin with?

    Because nature doesnt make coke without calories :laugh:

    Nature doesn't make anything with phenylalanine or chlorine either.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member

    :noway: - Since you put it that way!
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    Whether or not aspertame is bad for you isn't the point of this article. It's saying that people who drink diet soda get fatter. What it doesn't seem to point out is that people who drink sugared soda get fatter, too.

    The second article posted says "compared with those who don't drink diet soda." What it doesn't bother to say is what those people being compared to DO drink! A lot of people are going to assume that it means people who drink regular soda, but I'm betting that's not the case. If they are comparing diet soda drinkers to those who don't drink soda at all, they are comparing apples and oranges. People who don't drink soda at all tend to be more health-conscious as a whole. People who drink diet soda realize that they shouldn't be drinking all of the sugar in regular soda but possibly aren't doing anything else to watch their weight and overall nutrition.

    Yeah I am not saying its not valid, they just dont give all the information, are they saying people who drink diet coke also eat other things with artifical sweetness that maybe do have calories and think they can eat more of it, or do people who drink diet sodas typically just eat more becuase that is the demographic for diet soda drinkers, it leaves out a big piece of the puzzle on how drinking 0 calories can make you gain weight.

    It has to do with "thermogenesis" When your body consumes calories it signals your body temp to rise after a meal because it takes energy to digest food. Therefore,consumption of artificial sweeteners had stoped your body's normal responses to sweet foods, making it harder for the body to burn off extra calories. Normally, sweet tastes signals the body that it is about to receive a lot of calories and the digestive system prepares to react. When sweet tastes aren't followed by lots of calories, as in the case of artificial sweeteners, the body becomes conditioned against a strong response.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Because nature doesnt make coke without calories :laugh:
    Nature doesn't make anything with phenylalanine or chlorine either.

    Untrue. Chlorine is an element. Check out the Periodic Table sometime. :wink: By definition that makes it made by "nature". We just shouldn't be eating it because it's poisonous to human beings. And to the algae that wants to grow in our swimming pools.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Because nature doesnt make coke without calories :laugh:
    Nature doesn't make anything with phenylalanine or chlorine either.

    Untrue. Chlorine is an element. Check out the Periodic Table sometime. :wink: By definition that makes it made by "nature". We just shouldn't be eating it because it's poisonous to human beings. And to the algae that wants to grow in our swimming pools.

    I stopped reading after the beach body newsletter link :laugh:
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    Because nature doesnt make coke without calories :laugh:
    Nature doesn't make anything with phenylalanine or chlorine either.

    Untrue. Chlorine is an element. Check out the Periodic Table sometime. :wink: By definition that makes it made by "nature". We just shouldn't be eating it because it's poisonous to human beings. And to the algae that wants to grow in our swimming pools.

    Smarty Pants! I should have said naturals foods don't containe chlorine! :)
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Whether or not aspertame is bad for you isn't the point of this article. It's saying that people who drink diet soda get fatter. What it doesn't seem to point out is that people who drink sugared soda get fatter, too.

    The second article posted says "compared with those who don't drink diet soda." What it doesn't bother to say is what those people being compared to DO drink! A lot of people are going to assume that it means people who drink regular soda, but I'm betting that's not the case. If they are comparing diet soda drinkers to those who don't drink soda at all, they are comparing apples and oranges. People who don't drink soda at all tend to be more health-conscious as a whole. People who drink diet soda realize that they shouldn't be drinking all of the sugar in regular soda but possibly aren't doing anything else to watch their weight and overall nutrition.

    Yeah I am not saying its not valid, they just dont give all the information, are they saying people who drink diet coke also eat other things with artifical sweetness that maybe do have calories and think they can eat more of it, or do people who drink diet sodas typically just eat more becuase that is the demographic for diet soda drinkers, it leaves out a big piece of the puzzle on how drinking 0 calories can make you gain weight.

    It has to do with "thermogenesis" When your body consumes calories it signals your body temp to rise after a meal because it takes energy to digest food. Therefore,consumption of artificial sweeteners had stoped your body's normal responses to sweet foods, making it harder for the body to burn off extra calories. Normally, sweet tastes signals the body that it is about to receive a lot of calories and the digestive system prepares to react. When sweet tastes aren't followed by lots of calories, as in the case of artificial sweeteners, the body becomes conditioned against a strong response.

    So if I drink a diet coke with a meal the "thermogenesis" would happen anyway because the calories would be there. See so it doesnt make a difference.
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    Here is another great article on the subject of artifical sweetners. I pose the question, why would you want to consume anything artifical to begin with?

    Because nature doesnt make coke without calories :laugh:

    Nature doesn't make anything with phenylalanine or chlorine either.

    That's funny because i thought Chlorine was a natural element.

    In fact, Wikipedia has this to say about it"

    Chlorine (play /ˈklɔəriːn/ klohr-een; from Ancient Greek: χλωρóς khlôros "pale green") is the chemical element with atomic number 17 and symbol Cl. It is a halogen, found in the periodic table in group 17. As the chloride ion, which is part of common salt and other compounds, it is abundant in nature and necessary to most forms of life, including humans."
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    Because nature doesnt make coke without calories :laugh:
    Nature doesn't make anything with phenylalanine or chlorine either.

    Untrue. Chlorine is an element. Check out the Periodic Table sometime. :wink: By definition that makes it made by "nature". We just shouldn't be eating it because it's poisonous to human beings. And to the algae that wants to grow in our swimming pools.

    Smarty Pants! I should have said naturals foods don't containe chlorine! :)

    Still wrong
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    Let me just say this....I am in the health field and focus on diabetes. Obesity can cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. If you have one or all of these diseases, you have a very high risk of having heart attack, stroke, loss of eye sight, loss of kidney function, amputations of limbs, loss of feeling in extreme dexerties. Now, if consuming nutrasweet, splenda or any other artifical sweeter can help one lose weight and avoid any of these complications, then it is well worth the "risks" (which there are none b/c there has been extensive studies on artificial sweeteners and they are extrememly safe) of consuming artificial sweeteners compared to any one of these long term complications any of these diseases can cause. If you are saying that consuming artificial sweeteners can make you gain weight or make your body not want to lose weight, then I guess my body missed that message, since I have lost well over 100 lbs and have kept it off for 3 yrs, and a lot of my diet includes artificial sweeteners. I put it in my coffee, drink diet soda, put it in my water, eat sugar free jelly, light yogurt, sugar free pancake syrup, just to name a few. It has helped me manage my diet and been able to keep some sweets in my diet, which I love. Including these sweets have kept me from over eating other sweets. I would do anything to avoid getting these diseases and to avoid the complications of these diseases and if keeping artificial sweeteners in my diet to do it,then I am going to continue!

    Everyone has an opinion on artifical sweeteners, It is all in perspective of the situation. Let's not judge what others are doing and put others down b/c of what they are doing to manage their weight. Different things work for different people.....
  • perceptualobfuscator
    perceptualobfuscator Posts: 159 Member
    that article didnt give any detail backing what it was saying?

    The way I've been led to understand is that it's about the reactions that artificial sweeteners trigger in your body and metabolism. If your body is consuming sweet substances, it assumes there are also calories and reacts such. But since there aren't, the body is ready to deal with calories without there being any available. This in itself isn't the problem.

    It becomes a problem when you actually consume sweet substances that contain calories. Your body then overreacts to the sweetness, using and storing the energy in greater amounts than it otherwise would. So while you skip on the calories with diet sodas, you retain more calories when you end up actually consuming sugar.

    This is only going to be a problem if you consume beverages and foods with artificial sweeteners on a regular basis, though, rather than once every week or month.

    Oh, and it has nothing to do with the alleged unsafety of aspartame. Of which there is no evidence, whatsoever.

    I'll try to find some links to post, in case my recollection is off.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    aspartame is very bad for you. Its a wood grain alcohol processed into a chemical additive sweetener. It causes alot of medical issues including headaches, neuralgia, and many more like a whole list of stuff.... It defiantly causes bloating. Iric acid that causes decayts better to drink a regular soda than diet if possible but all soda is high in sodium, sugar, citric acid that causes tooth decay, and stomach ulcers. Soda is just not good for your body! Drink water, and milk!
    It's not wood grain alcohol.
    It is the methyl-ester of aspartic acid, a chemical that your body is well familiar with.
    It might well be MADE with methanol, but that's like saying you should never eat things with potassium in them because potassium is highly reactive and will burn with contact with water - once it undergoes chemical reaction its properties are fundamentally different.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    Again, I use artificial sweeteners on a regular basis.....yogurt, soda, crystal lite in my water, syrup, ice name it, I use it! It has not messed my ablitiy to lose weight at all. I have no idea what type of research that has been done, but my lifestyle is research enough for helps keep calories down and calories in vs calories out is how you lose weight. Simple as that!
  • eh, I drink it sometimes at work. For me, it helps keep me from overeating. It helps makes me feel full and the sweetness helps the sugar cravings! :D
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