I am a diabetic

I was diagnosed on the 22nd of this month.

My initial reaction was to break down and cry. My mother has diabetes, my father in law has diabetes, and a few of my friends have diabetes. I have seen how difficult it is to live with and I have seen how resistant to change some of them have been and what it's done to their respective healths.

My second reaction was to own my diagnosis, to take control and not let this rule me but instead to be positive about it and celebrate milestones small and large. I informed everyone I knew about my diagnosis and asked for support. My doctor said my best course of action is start simple and slow, focusing on one change at a time. That is what I plan to do.

Last week, I started reevaluating what I eat. I am just focusing on lowering my carb intake, as per her instructions. This week I am beginning to keep track of what I eat through a food diary, which I will be doing on this site. I know it will be hard to remember to log all my food, but I also know that in doing so I will be holding myself accountable, which can only help. Next week I will begin a walking regimen to add onto what I am establishing.

I would love any support and suggestions others can offer, but I ask for no negativity. I am changing my life for the better and I know that through the support and positivity of others it is possible and I will only benefit from it.


  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    <<< Type 1 diabetic, diagnosed 2/10/04
  • babyalex124
    You are very brave, and I commend you! I don't have diabetes, but I have loved ones who have so I am familiar with the planning involved with meals.

    I received an email today that offer free cookbooks for those with diabetes. It's from Kraft. Hope it's of use to you.

    Best wishes.


  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Ok, take a deep breath. You got this. Like your Dr. Said...take it slow but know that you can totally defeat this.

    I would suggest getting rid of all the white posions in your diet. White carbs, sugars and salts.
    Drink lots of water and stay strong.

    Another suggestion is a book called The Belly Fat Cure. I'm reading it and it talks about all the dangers of sugar. Although I'm
    not a diabetic I believe that if I don't control my sugar intake I'll have all kinds of problems that are preventable. My goal is under 20 grams per day. I currently eat between 40-60 grams per day but very little is from added sugar. It's a lifestyle change for sure but we can do it.
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    I was recently diagnosed pre-diabetic (type 2). I also started by cutting back on carbs, especially sugar and white flour. I did it too quickly and became borderline hypoglycemic a few times before my body adjusted, so like your doctor said: change slowly.
    Welcome! I hope you find all the support you need and more!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Is it type 1 or 2?
    I was told I had early onset diabetes and was told to eat right and lose weight. I was never really heavy but I loved my carbs, not sweets but breads and pretzels, the salty carbs. Now my A!C is under 5 and I feel great. It was hard in the beginning but I found It just takes a little work on your part. My advice is educate yourself on healthy eating. Buy a food scale and watch portions. Limit processed and fast foods. Cook fresh Veggies and Meats. Eat whole grain Low carb Low Cal Breads and Pasta. Fresh Fruits. Did I say watch Portions. In the beginning it will be hard to get over cravings. But if you stick with it you will. Don't drink your calories. Did I say watch portions. Oh and watch portions. Good Luck