I need to feel FULL!!!! HELP!



  • ACook42
    ACook42 Posts: 111 Member
    Try drinking water before eating (at least a glass) this will trigger your brain to fill full about 20 min. later. Also try nuts, thats a good idea. carrots, celery any low cal veggies that you can munch on that will take up space in your belly.

    Snacking is good for your diet as long as it is the right stuff. Crunching things like the veggies will make you mouth and jaw tired LOL and soon you won't want to move it anymore LMAO.
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    I find most of all if I eat a protein packed breakfast, I tend to not have cravings and don't need as much food for lunch and dinner. I've been eating a lot of apple slices and peanut butter or banana and peanut butter for breakfast. I had that this morning at 8 and I'm still stuffed!

    So I totally agree more protein is the way to go, it takes longer and takes more energy for you body to digest! Try maybe also adding some hard boiled eggs to your salad or nice lean meats to add some protein to a lunch as well.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Personally...I think you may need more fat in your lunch. Of the nutrients, fat stays with you the longest (could be protein...but I believe it's fat). I bought marketside guacamole packets from walmart...they're in individually wrapped 100 calorie containers, and I find that when I have one of those...I tend to stay full longer.

    Also...I know this probably isn't the best...but I like diet Sprite :) I drink a cold one....and I think the bubbles make me feel full :)
  • dianep225
    dianep225 Posts: 7 Member
    For lunch I always have a sandwich with protein i.e. high fiber bread, turkey or tuna fish, sometimes a slice of cheese. I also try to eat a piece of fruit in the morning and then in the middle of the afternoon. Don't give up! I've lost a total of 39 lbs....but most of it (24 lbs.) came off since mid Feb. this year when I started this program.... that's between 5-6 lbs each month! Before that I was only able to lose 1-2 lbs per month.... what a huge difference!
    If I can do it.... you can do it!
  • karenx30
    karenx30 Posts: 90
    What are you eating for lunch? Maybe try to make lunch your biggest meal of the day.

    Some things that tend to keep me full are: banana and almond butter (peanut butter too), oatmeal and any fresh fruit mixed in, Hummus and veggies (like bell peppers, carrots, cucumbers etc) trisket crackers and light laughing cow swiss cheese.

    A good place to find healthy meal ideas is Bob Harper's facebook page. He's always posting little videos about what to eat for nutrition, feeling full, etc and the recipes that go along with what he's talking about. Good luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Eat something with whole grains (bread, wraps, rice, whatever) and a little healthy oil. These are much more filling than just vegetables alone. Just a 1/2 cup of rice or one low carb wrap can make a big difference in how long you feel full.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I try to go with snack that are high is protein to keep me full. I have a greek yogurt with banana slices in the morning for breakfast and it keeps me full until lunch time.
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    I recommend building meals around Protein, Fiber, and veggies or fruit.I've glanced at your food journal and I think a more balanced meal might help you feel full. Maybe add a bowl of veggies to your lunch with a peice of Double Fiber Toast or something?
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I do understand what you mean. When I'm not full, I feel like I'm hungry even though I'm really not. It takes a while to recognize the difference between hunger and just not being full. I have to really stop and say - am I hungry or is my belly just comfortablly happy. I've noticed that I have the most energy when I'm not full but not hungry - it's that place in between. I call it "empty" belly. Not hunger - not full - just right. So I'm trying to strive for that feeling a little more. There is a definetly difference between hunger and emply.

    Anyway - what I do to help get that full feeling when I need it is to drink a glass of water before I eat and after. That helps me keep from over eating during meals. Then I just try to drink lots of water with my snacks. Believe it or not, a snack of one string cheese and a big glass of water really gives me a very full feeling. It doesn't last all that long, but it does get me to my next meal (or to bed time) before I start feeling hunger again.
  • sabulla
    sabulla Posts: 58
    I try 2 eat a ton of fiber/protein to stop by cravings and hunger. What I have found that works good for me is a TON of water and for a snack is Kelloggs All Bran Buds(it's filled w/a ton of fiber and it's good for a change to try something different) 1/3 cup mixed with 1/4 cup of fresh blueberries. It doesn't require any utensils, etc. Just pour the both all in a cup and eat that way. You can eat on the go with it!
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I eat quite a bit of protein on my more active days and it really helps make me feel full.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Okay I looked at your diary and I dont see any water. Do you not log it? if you just dont drink water maybe start to drink. I try to drink one bottle of water when I wake up, then another one when Im driving to work, then another one after getting settled, I eat a snack around 10:30 followed by a bottle of water and yes water does help!

    I also agree that protein helps alot if by any wierd change I get to atleast 30g or protein on my meal I feel full for a good at least 3hrs.
  • tarabear88
    tarabear88 Posts: 37
    lower carbs and higher protein works for me, pehaps supplment a protein shake (I like eas whey protein 23 g protein, 1g fat, 3 g carbs).. if you are hungry be sure to snack so you dont binge at dinner :)
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    I do understand what you mean. When I'm not full, I feel like I'm hungry even though I'm really not. It takes a while to recognize the difference between hunger and just not being full. I have to really stop and say - am I hungry or is my belly just comfortablly happy. I've noticed that I have the most energy when I'm not full but not hungry - it's that place in between. I call it "empty" belly. Not hunger - not full - just right. So I'm trying to strive for that feeling a little more. There is a definetly difference between hunger and emply.
    This was my thought as well. The OP mentions not feeling "stuffed." Personally, I don't *like* feeling stuffed. That is uncomfortable. I have been trying to eat a little slower, taking time to enjoy my meal (when I have the time), and noticing when I no longer feel hungry. There is definitely some space between "hungry" and "stuffed to the seams" -- I like to be there :smile:
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Well, first of all I completely understand what your saying. I am the same way..... I eat lunch but never really feel "full" so in turn I snack all afternoon. BUT- this can be a good thing because it will keep your metabolism going and if your eating healthy snacks- no worries.

    I have found that protein fills me up for the longest- i.e. whey protein shakes with soy milk, or I just tried a CLIF bar (chocolate mint) it tasted amazingly good and kept me full for hours (this literally NEVER happens).
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    I only feel full if I eat eggs or meat.