I think I need a break before I snap

I have to admit it, I'm in a volitile mood today. Honestly, I'm irrationally angry. It's like PMS on crack only without the crying. After quitting smoking months ago I fell off the wagon for 1 month. Only 1 MONTH! but I was hooked again. Really it took less than a weekend and I was hooked, but I kept telling myself I was still in control. HA! My family would KILL me if they found out. Anyways, I got right back on to chantix as soon I realized my will power wasn't enough to kick it. Which brings me to today...my second day where I haven't had a cigarette... I think I may kill someone or at least hurt something, can I hurt something??? I almost couldn't control myself on the way to work this morning. There were two silver ford focus's that don't have a clue how close they were to getting my bumper shoved right up their *kitten*.... I'm working to calm down and breathe. I've been thowing myself into strength training and started the 30 day shred to keep from smoking and snacking but I'm getting bored with it and therefore frustrated (like there's anything that doesn't frustrate me right now). I think I need to take a couple days and get back on the bike to relax myself. Maybe treat myself to a couple of books and mindlessly peddle for a while. Yea, that sounds good. Anything mindless....


  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I get like that some days. Something just sets me off, and I am not able to be "calmed" all day.
    Good luck honey! Just try to think happy thoughts and be calm! <3 maybe have some chocolate. That seems to help sometimes! :o)
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    what day are you on with the 30 day shred? I was on level 1 day5 and pulling out my hair. i wanted to give up but i took two days off of the shred and did some walking,it really helped, I walked 4 miles with some nice scenery and then just went to level 2 which was much better. Good luck with quitting, I never smoked so I dont know your pain.
  • diverdi
    diverdi Posts: 64 Member
    Well done on dusting yourself off and trying again. Like the weight loss journey stopping smoking depends on your mindset and not giving up everything just because you've lapsed.
    I'm an ex-smoker and tried several times before I finally knocked it on the head. When I finally managed it it was with the help of Alan Carr's 'The Only Way to Stop Smoking Permanently'.
    One of the things I really noticed was how much time I had to get things done when I wasn't having to nip outside for a cigarette break. Suddenly my household chores were done and dusted in no time, and not building up to be tackled later.
    ALso keep yourself busy reading, run a bath, give yourself a manicure any distraction.
    Good luck
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
    hang in there and if you want some good ideas email me lordsfitness@aol.com glad to help
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    After quitting smoking months ago I fell off the wagon for 1 month. Only 1 MONTH! but I was hooked again. Really it took less than a weekend and I was hooked, but I kept telling myself I was still in control.

    You want a good read to help you with the quit smoking.

    It's very hard to have "control" in smoking. Either your not a smoker, or a smoker (no matter how often it is).

    Once you quit, you should refrain from having a half cigarette or even a drag.. Once the nicotine is in the system, then your hooked again.
    Good luck!.
    Want to join other smokers who quit.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,125 Member
    I stopped smoking 16 years ago after a few failed attempts.

    When I was a little ways in to it (like a couple weeks) I had a very bad day. I felt like what you are describing. My friend, who is a recovering alcoholic, said to me, "Well yeah, you're having trouble because you quit smoking and you don't have any way to deal with your emotions."

    I have always remembered that. She was right. I used to smoke when I was mad, bored, frustrated, anxious etc. Without the smoking, I was forced to deal with the emotion without taking a "time out".

    Be careful you don't replace smoking with some other coping strategy, like, say, eating.............
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    GREAT JOB ON QUITING AGAIN!! I was a smoker 8 yrs ago, but 1 day i just stopped COLD TURKEY. Didnt have any problems. But i have had the same mood swings tryin to change my eating habits. I have PCOS, which makes my cycles wacked. So 15 months of not having one & then exercising and eating right has awakened a demon inside, so i snap all the time bc my body is starting to work right. im a emotional eater & food is my crack & weaning myself off has been a challenege, had a stumble last week, but did great this week. different habit we r trying to stop, but the same major mood swings. I can feel ya! WE GOT YOUR BACK! vENT AWAY WHEN YOU NEED TO!
  • Merrymel
    Merrymel Posts: 15
    I feel your pain...
    it has been 1 yr 1 m 4 w 2 days and 5 hrs since I quit smoking. I get many days like you just described. The best thing I do is seriously....have a piece of DARK CHOCOLATE....with a glass of white wine....I am serious.....this really calms me down....it is my treat. I have tried everything from pizza to potato chips. I buy Godiva dark chocolate. One piece is like 35 calories....white wine. 70-100 calories depending on the ozs consumed. My best friend is a smoker so its always right there. Since I quit smoking I can walk and jog in the same 4 mile regimen which I do 3-4 times weekly... I can swim for 30 minutes....I can dance for hours....Believe me....all that pent up anger can be vented on a good walk. I hate myself for the 15 pounds I gained but am now doing something about that too....Good luck to you....www.whyquit.com helped me tremendously. You should go to the webwsite.Oh and BTW.........I still want a damn nasty cigarette........not all day everyday......but enough to make me angry at the tobacco companies. I was hooked for 35 years....and quit COLD TURKEY.