Are personal trainers worth the $$$$

GamecockFan14 Posts: 154 Member
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm thinking about stepping up my game and accountability and getting a trainer (and quite the investment that is!)

what do you guys think? is it worth it? Have you had benefits from it?


  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    I recently had several sessions with a trainer, he was a nice guy
    but to be honest i was not impressed, I would recommend getting
    a few session to help set up your best workout strategies but to
    pay for one full time in my opinion was not worth it.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Totally! IF you find the right trainer for you. I did not get a trainer from the gym. Many of them, well, suck. You need to interview your trainer and find one that is a good fit for you and your goals. I've been working with a trainer twice a week since January, and I KNOW I wouldn't be as far as I am if I hadn't used her....
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    depends. If you are looking for specific work, or you don't know much about exercise, or maybe you want someone to push you and hold you accountable, then they absolutely can be worth the money, but then again, if you already work hard, don't need external forces to push you, and are accountable already, then you probably wouldn't need one. The other thing to remember is, not every trainer is the same, vet your trainer thoroughly before signing on with them, ask for 1 free or reduced session if you must, ask for credentials, ask for references, and talk to them face to face to make sure your personality and theirs meshes.
  • gatorgirl7
    gatorgirl7 Posts: 103 Member
    i got one about a month ago and i could tell a difference immediately--and that's saying a lot b/c i've run 4 half marathons so i didn't start out of shape (she even made a comment how in shape my friend and i were the first day) she is worth EVERY PENNY. i learn so much from her--and i even do her workouts w/out her sometimes. she also gave us a nuitritoin plan (1600 calories/day) since we are both fairly active. it's been so helpful--especially b/c i was never in to weights. now i do them 3x/wk :)
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I'm a PT, and I recommend us! I also recommend staying away from the gym. Many times you are overcharged. I'd sign up for a few sessions privately to step up your game, learn good form, and find some new ideas to incorporate into your workout plan. Interview them WELL, though, and interview a few. Not all PTs have the same agenda (helping you reach your goals). Some are out to sell products, get you "hooked" and keep getting money out of you. Some are burned out.

    Good luck! Sometimes you get a discount if you join with a friend!
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Depends on what you need. I have had two trainer the first was not really worth the money, she worked out with me fine, but she was too laid back, she did not "expect" anything of me and for me over half of it was about accountability. I knew my currently one was different from the fitness test through the weekly homework. She really found out my level, what areas of my body needs work, she EXPECTS me to come 4 days a week without her and do exactly what she lists as homework every time. My only issue with her is that she really wants to see me twice a week and just doesn't understand that no way in hell can I afford it, I can only debatedly offer the once a week half hour sessions. But I think Nora is totally worth the $$, and unfortunately Helen was not.
  • Alisi1234
    Alisi1234 Posts: 131 Member
    I have one and I think it's a waste of money. I work out more by myself than I do with her. I have had 3 over the past couple of years.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Some are not, some are. Make sure you investigate before committing your time and money. Check education and ask others he/she/it has trained. If they have the education and background to do the job (as opposed to an honorary gym license or something from a web site) they can offer a wealth of information and motivation. People will always give you a review of a trainer. The trainer either annoyed them or changed their lives. They may also have opinions and methods that you won't agree with, like "log your gum in your calorie log." I also know a trainer that thinks HIT is just stupid. Nice girl but i won't be working with her.

    Next is meeting your trainer. If you are not going to get along, move on.

    Lastly and most importantly is you. Are you going to follow through on your trainers advice, are you going to show up on time every time,. are you going to put forth the effort and are you going to be honest. If not, again don't bother. It's a shame to see someone bring down a good trainers reputation just because they are trying to justify their own laziness by denigrating the trainer.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Depends on you and depends on the trainer. Some are laid back. :glasses: That may be a good match for you. Some are drill sergeants. :angry: That may be a good match for you. [I would be trying to figure out how long I'd actually spend in jail...:devil: ] Figure out what kind of person motivates you and try to find that that type of trainer. Anything that gets you in the gym and gets you going...

  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I went to a personal trainer at my gym once. During our meeting, his wife brought his dinner to him.....McDonalds:noway: Needless to say, I never went back. I have personal trainers at home now....Tony Horton, Shaun T, Chalene Johnson...and I know if I do the workouts, I get results. I made a one time investment and they are always there for me. You have to find what works best for you. Be careful. Caveat Emptor as they say
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I have used a PT twice a week for about the past year. Not only is she TOTALLY worth the money, she has become one of my best friends and biggest supporters. But not all PTs are created equal!! :smile:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I have used a PT twice a week for about the past year. Not only is she TOTALLY worth the money, she has become one of my best friends and biggest supporters. But not all PTs are created equal!! :smile:

    I am in the same boat. I love my trainer (had her for 1.5 years now) and she is one of my biggest supporters. But remember it is not just the trainer it is what you want to put into it. My trainer told me once that she loves when I come in because I actually show up on time and want to work out. She has so many people that see her that even with her complain the whole time and just don't put in the effort.
  • LosingGrip
    LosingGrip Posts: 18
    I have used one since January, and I can safely say, its the best thing I've done. She makes me want to go and look forward to it, before I really struggled to get up and go.

    It can be expensive, I pay £35 a week for two 1 hour session, which from looking around seems really cheap!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Find a good one.

    My trainer is awesome. He set me up on a great weight/cardio program that I can do and easily advance in without getting new appointment with him, and he's been helping me track my body fat, keeps up with me every time I see him at the gym. He's super supportive and just awesome.

    I did, however, go through 5 trainers that were either too easy or too hard on me. It may take time to find someone who fits your needs.
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I've really enjoyed working out with both of my trainers - they've pushed me and motivated me to do things I really didn't think I could do. They've pushed me to try new and different things; things that I would have ignored or bypassed without them, figuring I was too out of shape, too uncoordinated, etc, to try.

    Like the others have said, it can be a great, rewarding relationship. You just have to have clear goals and communicate effectively. I wouldn't trade my trainers for anything in the world.
  • almeria1
    almeria1 Posts: 25 Member
    how long did it take you to see results??? thanks!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    how long did it take you to see results??? thanks!

    Depends on your goals, where you start, and how much work you put into it.
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
    ask to see their education and see if it is in a fitness field
    I am a personal trainer, ASFA certified, 2 college degrees in fitness, incl a MA, amd a doctoral candidate in sports performance psycholigy and cannot believe how easy it is to be certified
    my degrees are in anatomy health and fitness
    I show my clients my education
    and yes experience is great but education takes you a notch above the rest....
    good luck!
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
    nothing like immediate feedback though and being taught good form

    good luck!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I have a personal trainer who I absolutely love and have been seeing twice a month since January.

    My trainer and I have totally different personalities( he's very laid back and I'm high strung). I'm also a very lazy person who doesn't want to do more then she has to, and he pushes me beyond my laziness and to complete every last exercise with all that I have in me. When I first started with him he totally kicked my *kitten* and I thought theres no way that I'm subjecting my self to this. Fast forward six months and I've started to develop some muscles, am stronger then I was before, dropped a pants/dress size and lost 20 pounds.

    The other thing that I love about my trainer is how supportive he is. He takes time to figure out how my day went and where I am emotionally that day. I also have a very weak unpredictable stomach, and he's sensitive to that.If he knows that I'm feeling ill the day of our session, he'll ask how I'm feeling through out the session,and if I need to break, go slower, w/e. He also never makes me feel like I'm stupid because i don't get an exercise or that I can't do something very well.

    All in all they are a good investment if you find the right one. I know that I did.
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