Effects of Insulin Resistance on Weightloss



  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    If there is a diabetes education class offered near you, see if your insurance will cover it (they are expensive) and attend. I was advised to limit carbs, limit portions, watch what I eat in general and exercise. It seems to be working for me so far.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    I was diagnosed Type 11 diabetic almost 12 yrs ago
    I took 4 pills and 2 shots per day for the past 4 years
    Watch the carbs !! I eat probably 80% clean I try and
    avoid processed foods as much as possible and get
    at least 60 minutes of exercise everyday .
    I have lost 52lbs since Jan and have NOT taken any diabetic
    meds since April 15th my blood sugars run consistently 100-104
    (was never below 350 prior) I have more energy than I can ever
    remember having before, No more naps yesss!
    it can be a struggle but it can be done I;m proof positive. Eat as clean as
    possible and get moving, there is a whole other world out here waiting for
    you to arrive come on over :drinker:
  • irdietinfo
    irdietinfo Posts: 29
    Hey everyone, I noticed you all said you were looking for info on this subject and I have started a website where I have been writing everything I'm learning about insulin resistance - the link is http://insulinresistancediet.info or you can find me on Facebook too (same name). It is getting easier for me as the months go on. Weight loss for me is slow (maybe because I am older and don't have a lot to lose) but it's working and I do find the appetite control a miracle! I hope some of you will read my website and get some value out of it. I've been writing it to share with people in the same situation.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    if you have the chance watch the documentary Fat Head it shows in animation form what your body goes through as being insulin resistant.

    I have PCOS and IR too in my understanding it makes the body produce more insulin to figure out what to do with all the sugar and carbs from the food and then it locks it away in cells as fat rather than possible energy sources....I may be missing a few steps along the way in the explaination so the documentary is great to undersatnd the basics of it.

    weight loss is VERY hard with IR and PCOS and even though I am watching carbs and taking my metformin and exercising like a fiend, it is still SLOW going....gaining is a breeze but losing is a lesson in torture and extreme patience and I am not a patient person.
  • polarduke
    polarduke Posts: 23 Member
    For understanding insulin resistance and how to address it, I recommend two books which I have both read and enjoyed. Both are written in a very conversational style.
    1) Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It - Gary Taubes
    2) Trick and Treat - Barry Groves, MD
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