often do you have one?



  • cmarshel
    cmarshel Posts: 46 Member
    I am a skinny cow addict.... I usually have something sweet everyday! I never go over my calories... well almost never =) I just try and work it in around my meals.

    Is two days in a row eating these enough to be considered an addict? Picked some up Monday and they are soooooo good. They will be a regular staple for sure.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    i have a treat like everyday... whether it be sweet or salty snack or a meal. yesterday i had arby's for lunch... the day before i had mc donalds for dinner... shame on me i know but after i had my mcdonalds i was still 1200 cals under from my horrible 8 hour walk, and i was 300 under yesterday after arby's for lunch, with a shake!, and a little low cal burrito for dinner. today i had pizza for lunch but that's only because i don't feel well and didn't want to make anything when ordering is so much easier.
  • mrfrank33
    mrfrank33 Posts: 8
    I'm with Sophiya> Salty needs to get chased with sweet and vice versa. I have a bad sweet tooth so I try not to have too much around or i'll give into my temptation
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    Every day! And honestly it's worked for me fine, as long as I stick to my calorie goals. However, a treat for me might be a bana with peanutbutter and a little bit of lite cool whip so it's not a huge treat ro really bad for me. I also have Skinny Cow ice cream a lot, and that's never over 150 cal (the ones I get)
  • fatkidlovescake
    fatkidlovescake Posts: 66 Member
    I can have up to 3 or 4 in a day!! And that's only the sweet treats, i'll have a bag of crips (corn snack versions like quavers or french fries - UK) and not count that as a treat as they are not high fat or high calories for what they are.
    My sweet treats tend to be around the 100kcal mark but I make sure I only have one of anything i.e. one biscuit / one square of chocolate / one bag of crisps - or if there's no option to get anything healthier or I really feel i've deserved them then they at least have to be a different flavour. That way I can avoid those horrible 3000kcal binges that were just part of my daily life (before and after my body realised what I was eating and started putting on weight!)
    But I always aim to stay under my calorie goal, or at least my net (even managed that on my cheat day - and it really was a eat whatever I see day!) my food diary is open if anyone wants a peek at my snacks for ideas.
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Definitely everyday... but peanut butter is my BIG weakness. I could sit and eat the whole jar. So my solution is to buy Reece's Puffs or the Captain Crunch peanut butter cereals so that it's less than 200 calories and I can eat it slowly (if its a treat that I will eat quickly I try not to bother). I just have to remind myself of moderation, I could sit and eat the whole box too! But if I didn't have treats I'd be miserable.