healthy food eaters rant



  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member

    What's difficult for me is when I go out to eat with other people and they try to push food on me. when I say, "No thanks, I'm stufffed." etc., they keep pushing. A friend tried to get me to eat a dessert last week. I knew I was at my calorie goal for the day and I was full from they dinner we had just finished. Usually, I pick at a few small bites and push it around on my plate, but it can be tough! I don't want to be rude, but I also work really hard to keep healthy.

    Any other tips from my fellow MFPs?

    A co-worker does this to me (I work in a pizza restaurant and there's ALWAYS extra pizza laying around for us to eat.). I usually say no thanks, and most people know not to even ask me if I'd like a piece.

    One girl always, always, always asks me to share. She said "I feel rude if I don't ask and share! I was always taught to share!" I tell her "If you never ask me again, I promise I won't think you're being rude. It's rude if you're trying to tease me into eating." One day she was sort of taunting me, saying "You know you want some..." I said "Let me ask you this: Would you go up to an alcoholic and put a shot of vodka in his face and say 'you know you want want to drink it!' Would you show a heroin addict a needle and say 'You want know you do!' Would you do that? it's the same thing with me. Do not do that to me, it's just as sh*tty." She said she never thought of it that way. She's been better since, though she still tells me my food is gross while she's eating junk.

    I say "It's okay. you're 25. Wait til you're 35. You'll be in my shoes." :laugh:
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    ugh yes! just yesterday i brought lunch to work and had:

    baked miso cod with sesame seeds and purple thai rice with ****ake mushrooms (leftover from dinner)

    and one of the guys was like....what is

    um yeah it's cod ....what's wrong with my gourmet lunch lol
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I would tell them it doesn't look near as gross as their big mac and fries!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    They are the people that only eat chicken fingers and pizza and then complain they can't lose weight. Who cares what they think.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    ugh yes! just yesterday i brought lunch to work and had:

    baked miso cod with sesame seeds and purple thai rice with ****ake mushrooms (leftover from dinner)

    and one of the guys was like....what is

    um yeah it's cod ....what's wrong with my gourmet lunch lol

    Sounds delicious!

    I like how it censored the mushrooms. :laugh:
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    tell them "it's not as gross as having a big fat wobbly cellulitey *kitten* and breaking out in a sweat to get up a flight of stairs".
  • carolynmittens
    I consider myself a pretty healthy eater who likes to try different things, even if they look weird they can still be good and if they are good for you then even better!! For instance I like lightly salted roasted seaweed strips from trader joes, I like broccoli sprouts on stuff too. I just feel it is so rude when someone comments on how gross your food looks, I'll be making my lunch at work and a coworker comes up ewww what is that that looks gross. I mean come on, common sense says thats pretty rude, it's even better when they are heating up a hot pocket, or having a greasy hamburger with fries. Just a rant, cause it happened today. Anybody else have this problem, do you keep quiet or do you speak up?
    girl. this is the story of my life. people have called my food turtle food, grass clippings, shrubbery, rabbit food, i even got a "it looks like somebody already ate that!" comment on a curried eggplant dish i made once. my dad endearingly told me the other day that the kale i was eating looks like something he'd scrape off the bottom of his shoe. and yes, i speak up every time :bigsmile:
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    tell them "it's not as gross as having a big fat wobbly cellulitey *kitten* and breaking out in a sweat to get up a flight of stairs".
