

  • jennahiggins
    jennahiggins Posts: 56 Member
    I am under a doctors care, as I take this journey. You are doing this lifestyle change for life...so if you want one, find a friend to split one with, get the smallest one they have or cut it in half and throw the other half away....it's not about never having something you are craving, it's about knowing when to stop, and that a taste is what it is all about. If I crave chocolate, I will eat a piece, but it is usually as I am splitting it up between the kids...a little bit goes a long way. I have found that if I have one day a week where I indulge a craving, the entire week I can stay on track..... we are not talking about eating 10 candy bars or binge eating. I may go out for ice cream with the kids and get a baby cone, or go somewhere and get my favorite drink and drink half...I just want a taste, not the whole thing.
  • kaaatielove
    kaaatielove Posts: 248 Member
    The temptation is horrible. Someone brought a huge pan of brownies in to work today. i broke down, cut off a little piece, put it in my mouth, and as soon as i realized what i did and how this could effect my weightloss i spit it out. I tasted it on my tounge, but i never actually swallowed any of it. I realized that even just a little bite could mess up my entire day. Do what your heart feels.. it's your journey.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Visualise baby - take a deep breath, close your eyes and imagine what it will be like when you reach your goal.
    Imagine buying new clothes, imagine a trip to the beach, imagine feeling fit and energised. Build the whole scene in your head, smell it, feel it taste it etc. The clearer your goal is the less you want to cheat

    Drink a big glass of water.

    Do something else (maybe read a magazine or go for a walk for 20 minutes).

    Then decide.

    If you still reeeeeeealllllly want it. Buy it, cut it in half. Really enjoy that half without feeling guiolty, throw the rest away and make sure tomorrow is a clean eating and exercising day :)
  • DragonSkip
    DragonSkip Posts: 59 Member
    This is from before I was working on my weight loss but I think it will still help. I have an uber sweet tooth and I discovered that if I bought something like this from a store then I wasn't near as satisfied with it (especially the taste) as I am when I make it myself. So if you make it yourself you can control what goes in so it will probably fewer calories and if you eat it in moderation it's not cheating. Cheating is when you get the extra large piece of birthday cake or eat half a carton of ice cream. A small bite is just being sensible. If I try to completely deprive myself of sweets I end up failing miserably and having a all night sugar binge.
  • MuchMovement
    MuchMovement Posts: 100
    It's not about the food control, it's about the mind control. You will be so much stronger mentally if you can restrict!
  • mhannan13
    mhannan13 Posts: 53
    I can have a cinnabon eventually, but today I don't have the calories and I won't have the opportunity to exercise. Tomorrow I'm going to a concert with my family and we will be eating and drinking so I know tomorrow will be a tight day, as well. Soooo I just need to not eat one right now. lol
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    I don't consider it cheating, I actually give in to what I want, just in moderation. I don't want to cut out all the super yummy bad for me foods that i love, that's just not life. You can't not eat any of that for the rest of your life, just have to eat it in moderation.

  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I don't consider it cheating, I actually give in to what I want, just in moderation. I don't want to cut out all the super yummy bad for me foods that i love, that's just not life. You can't not eat any of that for the rest of your life, just have to eat it in moderation.


    Very true as well. This is actually what I do when I really want something. Control how often and portion size, then it doesn't feel like a diet, it feels like a health choice.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Because you made a commitment to YOURSELF!!!! Why would you go back on your word? Indulgence meal every now and then (scheduled and not just sporadic whenever you feel like it) is okay too. Keeps us sane.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    How 'bout this: If you strip and run around the mall for 10 minutes, you can have the cinnabon.

    Seriously, is it worth the pain you'll likely feel if the scale doesn't go down tomorrow, the next day, or for the next week or two? Only you can decide.

    There's always tomorrow and there's always another day. If today isn't the day, rest in the fact that there WILL be another opportunity. Cinnabon isn't going out of business soon.

  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    I do a little mental calculation... what does it weigh? 100g, 200g?? How much is fat? 20% 30%?

    Lets say you see something and its about 400g and 25% fat so thats 100g of fat. Now just picture scooping 100g of lard out of a tub and eating it. Sure puts me off :sick:
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    I do a little mental calculation... what does it weigh? 100g, 200g?? How much is fat? 20% 30%?

    Lets say you see something and its about 400g and 25% fat so thats 100g of fat. Now just picture scooping 100g of lard out of a tub and eating it. Sure puts me off :sick:

    i will be using that trick! EWWW!

    I try not to eat anything that isn't going to 'do' anything for my body. Why eat empty calories, they're not going to benefit your body. So dont waste them on crap!

    Start watching documentaries on how fast food is made. That should put you off!!!
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    Imagine it stale and dry. Eat an apple. Feel proud of yourself.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    The less crap you put into your mouth the less you will crave. So, just think about how passing on this will help you not crave it so bad next time around. I truly have learned that I don't crave anything if I will just do without it a few days, not even chocolate! I actually threw half a snickers away a few weeks ago cause I thought I wanted it and couldn't even swallow the 3rd little bite.

    Eat healthy, feel better. I don't understand the whole "cheat" thing.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    "How 'bout this: If you strip and run around the mall for 10 minutes, you can have the cinnabon. "

    ahahahaha I am going to use this next time I think I really need something - well would you streak for it? No, then you don't damn need it :P
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I have to sit in a Panera Bread for 3 hours right now, right across from a cinnabon, which I have been craving forever! Please please please remind me why I should stop eating and stay under my calorie goal. It's hard to remember when I can smell the frosting.
    How do you convince yourself not to cheat? How do you win the internal battle?

    Tomorrow morning when you wake up and realize you said no to this temptation it will make you feel stronger and proud of yourself.
    Every time you say no to crap, you'll see that it becomes easier and you'll probably want it less and less as you see the scale go down and you become slimmer and healthier.
    This stuff is not food. It's crap and your body doesn't need crap.

    You've got plenty of time after you reach your goal to have a treat now and then.

    I'm betting if you weren't in this environment right now, you wouldn't even be thinking about this food. You're having an environmentally induced craving. It's a trick.

    Stick to your guns.

    Believe this 50 year old woman who didn't say no enough.
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
    That's my motto
  • JamiroJunior
    JamiroJunior Posts: 139
    I ask myself if I would rather happy for a second (the frosting) or for the rest of my life wearing awesome clothes and dancing (not eating it...).
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    I don't class it as cheating..I am in this for life not just til I get to whatever weight...If I really really wanted a cinnabon I would have one. Log it and then no treats for a week or longer...I have to learn to control my indulgences and I am...I have light lattes at Starbucks..I skip the fries at BK and I have a kids size at the yogurt shop..if I really want one..most of the time I have water..but Its not cheating ..Its living..and all things in moderation is what we all need to learn...!!! xxxxx

    I love this philosophy! I try and be the same way. Don't completely deprive yourself, but understand that there are consequences for choices :).