Do you ever feel defeated??

Sometimes I feel like I have a compulsive eating disorder or something. I make myself feel guilty over the dumbest things like not working out more than 5 days or like over eating by only 50 calories. I just can't seem to feel positive about success at all. And not to mention I am a prisoner to the scale, I dont know how to get over these feelings.


  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    This is my mantra....

    In the book, "You! On a Diet" it says, (and I paraphrase) if you slip up (say eat 1/2 a cake or go for an extra slice of pizza) simply make a "U-Turn." It likens it to the GPS system in your car... if you miss a turn, it doesn't say... well, you've screwed up now, you might as well go all the way in the wrong direction. No. Instead it says, at your next possible opportunity, make a U-Turn. Using this logic, there is no longer such a thing as a "gateway" food or an excuse to give up. Because if you screw up, just make a U-Turn and get back on the right course. - I stole this from iTim_

    You Got This!!!

    Have you spoken with a nutritionist?? weight flutuates with food, salt intake, water.....Driving yourself crazy over the scale is going to cause you stress which will not help you.... Hang tight and talk to a Weight loss Dr or Nutritionist.
  • mssugarca
    mssugarca Posts: 75
    Oh honey just keep trying different things...I felt the same way and am currently having issues with the scale. I cant seem to stay off the damn thing and if it's up even a little I get a little crazy in my head. I also have issues with binge eating and food is constantly on my mind. I have been struggling since January on this site to try and get some kind of routine in. I am on week 5 of actually eating healthy and tracking daily and I have to say that the food cravings or obbsessions are not as strong as they once were. Just keep pushing
  • kristin1007
    kristin1007 Posts: 8 Member
    that's EXACTLY how I feel. It's always on my mind, like a sick obsession. :(
  • pisces271
    pisces271 Posts: 58 Member
    love what you said Carbolo14!
    I feel defeated all the time - but i'm trying hard to change it! Best of luck and keep making those U-Turns if you have to!
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    i feel you there, but at the same time, i don't think i would have been able to lose my weight without those feelings, as frustrating/annoying as they are.

    though it really does suck! feel better (i know it's easier said than done), just go for a walk or something
  • koluvsmusic
    I’ve been there. There are going to be stop & go moments, but don't stop believing in the goals you set. When the scale does change, focus on your measurements also. Sometimes the scale may say you lose nothing, but you measurements may say you have. Keep busy, start up a new hobby or task to keep your focus on other things. I find time moves slower when we are looking for something & it moves so fast when we are not paying things no mind.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I'm actually feeling quite defeated today, to tell you the truth. I worked on losing weight since the beginning of January and lost 19 pounds (which I already thought wasn't enough for the amount of time). Then I took a month where I kinda watched what I ate (I half-assed it) and then took a month off completely and didn't do anything. Made exuses, no exercise, no eating right, no tracking. Just got fed up. Now I feel like a total screwball because when I stepped on the scale the other day, it said I had gained back 10 pounds and I feel horrible. My body is disgusting looking, I feel like crap, and my feet started hurting on top of my shin splints. My back bothers me and I'd call my doctor except I know that it's all caused by my being so overweight. :noway:

    I admitted to a couple distant family members that I weigh more than 220 pounds and thier jaw hit the floor, even though I don't think they meant for me to see their shock. It hurt, but was a good kick in the face for me to realize that I'm not doing good. Anyway, sorry for the soap box, I'm just feeling particularly bad about myself today and your post title triggered something in me. :cry:

    Anyway, I'm going to finish off the month and get back up on the horse in a couple days... it'll be easier after pay day when I can actually go to the store and buy food that's healthy.
  • mhannan13
    mhannan13 Posts: 53
    I feel like an addict sometimes. Like if I get a food in my head, or just like "I want to binge" I can't stop thinking about it, no matter what, until I've eaten 2400 calories. I think about food ALL THE TIME and if I go 20 calories over, or even just eat a bad food, I give myself the green light to eat and eat and eat all day. It's been killing my dieting. UGH.
    It's important to just keep at it, try not to think of calories as a day by day thing, think of it in the span of a year. That helps me, like those extra pieces of pizza aren't going to kill you if you do well the rest of the day and in a year, you will still come in under your normal calories. IDK it helps me not to think of each day as a win or loss and look at more of the big picture.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member

    Anyway, I'm going to finish off the month and get back up on the horse in a couple days... it'll be easier after pay day when I can actually go to the store and buy food that's healthy.

    Hhy do that to yourself???? Do it now :) XOXO
    With you now or at the begining of the month!!! This is something you have to be ready for. Hang tight!!!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I feel like an addict sometimes. Like if I get a food in my head, or just like "I want to binge" I can't stop thinking about it, no matter what, until I've eaten 2400 calories. I think about food ALL THE TIME and if I go 20 calories over, or even just eat a bad food, I give myself the green light to eat and eat and eat all day. It's been killing my dieting. UGH.
    It's important to just keep at it, try not to think of calories as a day by day thing, think of it in the span of a year. That helps me, like those extra pieces of pizza aren't going to kill you if you do well the rest of the day and in a year, you will still come in under your normal calories. IDK it helps me not to think of each day as a win or loss and look at more of the big picture.

    In the book, "You! On a Diet" it says, (and I paraphrase) if you slip up (say eat 1/2 a cake or go for an extra slice of pizza) simply make a "U-Turn." It likens it to the GPS system in your car... if you miss a turn, it doesn't say... well, you've screwed up now, you might as well go all the way in the wrong direction. No. Instead it says, at your next possible opportunity, make a U-Turn. Using this logic, there is no longer such a thing as a "gateway" food or an excuse to give up. Because if you screw up, just make a U-Turn and get back on the right course. - I stole this from iTim_
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Please read my blog on 'Black & White Thinking'...might help.

  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    love what you said Carbolo14!
    I feel defeated all the time - but i'm trying hard to change it! Best of luck and keep making those U-Turns if you have to!

    When you find you are trying to change a/an habit - think about the fact you need food to live. XXXX amount of calories taken in per day is what you NEED to survive. If you go over, (yes, it happens) hit re-boot button, make a u-turn and do what you have to do.
    Distract yourself, A piece of the treat and ruin/throw the rest away (so you dont go after it) , drink water. Brush your teeth, clean out a closet....even a 20 calorie butterscotch, rootbeer barrel appx 25 calories or coffee charm 20 calories.....

    Look at other people diary for ideas

    Go for it... It is YOUR body and mind :)
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Would you treat/talk to a family member or friend the way you speak to yourself?

    Be kind and nurturing to you, you deserve it.

    Most of us here have experienced defeat and negative thoughts. You can turn those thoughts around and you have the power to control those thoughts. Happiness is a daily, sometimes hourly decision to make. You are not a failure for failing once.

    Hugs to all

  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    I think we all want to succeed and are SO afraid to fall back into old habits... That's why if we do slip, we freak ourselves right out. At least I do from time to time! This is a journey and we all are a little obsessive about our journeys, in the beginning at least for a little bit or until it becomes second nature and isn't so scary...This journey is still scary to me because I have failed so much in the past. However, I was just telling another one of my MFP friends that we have to tell that "voice of doubt" who's boss or that voice will sabotage us from our healthy lifestyles like it has in the past!!

    Stay positive, we are all there with you. You are doing GREAT!! Keep up the awesome work:)

    God bless
  • JamiroJunior
    JamiroJunior Posts: 139
    Yes! I know EXACTLY how you feel, for some reason I'll look in the mirror and just feel disgusting. I'm not even in the overweight category and it hurts me how much I had slipped before I joined here! Now that I'm on track it feels satisfying but not a lot of change has occurred these past weeks and I want to just yank the extra fat of me and never have had to deal with it in the first place. I feel every mirror that makes me look skinny is a liar, and I'm still "chubby"...

    It puts pressure on me, but after awhile you except the fact that in order to look good you have to feel good as well. I always tell myself that the weight will go away because I have the power to do it and when I have a goal to reach I STICK to it.

    Wow, lately I've been feeling like you, but writing this has helped me realize it, I hope you have to... :)

    Stay strong! :flowerforyou:
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member

    Anyway, I'm going to finish off the month and get back up on the horse in a couple days... it'll be easier after pay day when I can actually go to the store and buy food that's healthy.

    Hhy do that to yourself???? Do it now :) XOXO
    With you now or at the begining of the month!!! This is something you have to be ready for. Hang tight!!!

    I really appreciate your support and thanks for adding me as a friend... maybe you can help me with my motivation. The only reason I said I would start again at the beginning of the month is because pay day is tomorrow... I need to go to the store because, in all honesty, I'm pretty much out of food that could be considered "good" for you. And, even though I can track what I do eat, I know I'll be over every day because of what options I have available. You know what, you're right! Even though I don't have control over the options in front of me, I can still track what I eat and be accountable for it! Thanks! I'm going to start my journal for today right now!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member

    Anyway, I'm going to finish off the month and get back up on the horse in a couple days... it'll be easier after pay day when I can actually go to the store and buy food that's healthy.

    Hhy do that to yourself???? Do it now :) XOXO
    With you now or at the begining of the month!!! This is something you have to be ready for. Hang tight!!!

    I really appreciate your support and thanks for adding me as a friend... maybe you can help me with my motivation. The only reason I said I would start again at the beginning of the month is because pay day is tomorrow... I need to go to the store because, in all honesty, I'm pretty much out of food that could be considered "good" for you. And, even though I can track what I do eat, I know I'll be over every day because of what options I have available. You know what, you're right! Even though I don't have control over the options in front of me, I can still track what I eat and be accountable for it! Thanks! I'm going to start my journal for today right now!

    My mistake.... I am sorry - I forget that everyone is not me and has a hubby + 2 dogs +1 cat ~ I get ya... it must be hard with 3 kids - sorry for being so insensitive... Talk to you later!! I'll email you!! Take care!
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I feel defeated all the time but I just keep it on my mind that once I get to my goal weight I won't have to struggle(well as much)