almost lost it all.....

jess514 Posts: 7
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
HELLO! My name is Jessica Lemke Im a 21 year old mother and wife. I have 2 beautiful Daughters Morgan who is forever 12 weeks and Carlee who is 2. I married the man of my dreams on June 20, 2008! I have a pretty blessed life. Ive got a home , a car and loving family and a faithful loving husband.

I never was skinny or very "fit" but i was healthy, I got pregnant in 2003 and had a perfect healthy pregnancy. Our first Daughter was born August 2004 and passed away 12 weeks later.. I went into a deep depression mode I lost weight at first then gained and gained. I was later diagnosed with Hypothyroidisim. I went from 140 to 170 within amatter of months. Not only was i depressed and greiving the loss of my child, I was hating myself so i kept on gaining. I do blame some of my weight gain on the loss of my daughter however theres no reason for NOT losing it. I was later blessed with a 2nd pregnancy ... 9 months later I had a beautiful , healthy baby girl AND 37 pounds...! This time around i blamed it on pregnancy a big baby and thyroid SO NOT TRUE! Yes i did gain weight in my pregnancy , did it come off most of it yes , did i TRY to lose it ... NO.

So here Im 29 months after having my 2nd child Ive been married 3 months and guess what IM STILL FAT and no im not pregnant and my thyroid is under control. So Im here to try and make myself be happy and healthy again. I want my husband to be proud to show me off ... I want him to look at me and lose his self. I want to RUN with my daughter , get on the floor with her and play without not being able to breath. I need lots of help so ive turned here. Im 8 pounds down already .... PLEASE keep me going people PLEASE!:happy:


  • HELLO! My name is Jessica Lemke Im a 21 year old mother and wife. I have 2 beautiful Daughters Morgan who is forever 12 weeks and Carlee who is 2. I married the man of my dreams on June 20, 2008! I have a pretty blessed life. Ive got a home , a car and loving family and a faithful loving husband.

    I never was skinny or very "fit" but i was healthy, I got pregnant in 2003 and had a perfect healthy pregnancy. Our first Daughter was born August 2004 and passed away 12 weeks later.. I went into a deep depression mode I lost weight at first then gained and gained. I was later diagnosed with Hypothyroidisim. I went from 140 to 170 within amatter of months. Not only was i depressed and greiving the loss of my child, I was hating myself so i kept on gaining. I do blame some of my weight gain on the loss of my daughter however theres no reason for NOT losing it. I was later blessed with a 2nd pregnancy ... 9 months later I had a beautiful , healthy baby girl AND 37 pounds...! This time around i blamed it on pregnancy a big baby and thyroid SO NOT TRUE! Yes i did gain weight in my pregnancy , did it come off most of it yes , did i TRY to lose it ... NO.

    So here Im 29 months after having my 2nd child Ive been married 3 months and guess what IM STILL FAT and no im not pregnant and my thyroid is under control. So Im here to try and make myself be happy and healthy again. I want my husband to be proud to show me off ... I want him to look at me and lose his self. I want to RUN with my daughter , get on the floor with her and play without not being able to breath. I need lots of help so ive turned here. Im 8 pounds down already .... PLEASE keep me going people PLEASE!:happy:
  • Mufasa0331
    Mufasa0331 Posts: 334 Member
    First off...I am sorry for your loss but just know that she's is ok and in Heaven.
    Second congrats on your 2nd daughter and your marriage!
    Third congrats on the 8 pound lost so far!

    You are doing great and you've found a great place to help you. The peeps on here are so loving friendly and full of a variety of knowledge! It will be hard, because it's not a quick fix diet its changing your life and relationship with food and exercise. Just remember baby steps...and if you feel discouraged, dont beat yourself up just think happy thoughts and go at it again.

    Good luck!
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Welcome, I'm glad you're here!
  • Welcome to the site!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Jessica-- you sweet thing-- oh, my-- if I'd have been as open and honest as a 21 year old woman, I may not have been so screwed up in my 40's!! :wink:

    I love your post-- what a sweet thing you are-- congrats on your wedding and baby-- I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your child, and you're right-- she's in heaven.

    You and I have about the same weight to lose-- I waited until my 40's to try to conquer it, so good for you for starting now. You can do this. Stay active here. Set this page as your home page, be faithful in logging your food and ask for the support like you did just now-- bless your heart.

    We're all with you-- have all been in your shoes as "newbies" here, and there has been much success and encouragement here-- God bless you on your journey!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
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