I'm new, hooked and lovin it!! (not that fast food lovin it

Hello and warm greetings,

I'm only a couple days into using MyFitnessPal and I'm into it! javascript:add_smiley('heart','topic_body') I guess my goal isn't to loose weight as much as it is to see exactly what I'm taking in. WOW! The database is really great! It seems like users are able to make edits, modifications or corrections? I gotta find out more about that I think. Any useful tips or suggestions for someone new would be appreciated and nice. I'm kinda curious about customizing, but I think I need to poke around, read the Help ect.

Here's my story, I'm 41 and have food issues :-P... I have a long list of food allergies, so I've been closely reading labels for a while. Peanuts and tree nuts (all kinds), poultry (all kinds), eggs and sesame all send me to the hospital. No chicken for me, never had turkey or a peanut butter sandwich. I can forget about anything with mayo, but I think that's alright. Mayo seems gross/bad to me. Oh, but I'd love to try an egg white omelette. I love tofu, so that's close.

So if you're into food fragility or have a special relationship with food javascript:add_smiley('smile','topic_body') lets be friends!

It seems like the number of kids with food allergies have really increased since I was one. I always felt funny trying to explain it to classmates or friends. I didn't see an allergist until I was 40. I think I've got 4 or 5 EpiPens around nowadays. I've always just tried to avoid the dangerous foods, not very proactive.

I'm trying to move toward Vegetarianism, right now I'm a Pescetarian (seafood eater). Luckily, I'm good with wheat, dairy, beans, and seeds (except sesame - weird! and peanuts are legumes, go figure! maybe it's cross-contamination during processing)

I've also been doing P90X, getting ready to try Insanity (gotta order it after I finish my current round of P90X). I'd like to try a P90X/Insanity hybrid round. I'm pretty crazy about that too. I've never done a round where I've watched my nutrition, so I'm looking forward to the future combination of MFP and BeachBody programs!

Kind regards,


  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Dave, My name Is Yvonne :)
    I dont really have any food allergies but my son does..No nuts, most veggies, all fruit, so I get it. Welcome, you'll love it here. Lots of support and info.
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    Hey Dave,

    I am full on vegan and I know that it is challenging, I don't have food allergies and to be honest going vegan was purely for selfish reasons, that is, wanting to look good and be thinner. So not for allergies or saving animals but it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Glad to have you both as friends :)