What am I doing wrong???

pnkybrn2006 Posts: 4
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
For the last 4 weeks I've been sticking to a calorie intake of 1200 to 1400 calories a day consisting mostly of fruit and veggies. I cut back on the carbs, increased my protien and am working out anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half six days a week. I drink one cup of coffee a day, I don't drink soda and I'm drinking tons of water all day long. But I've only lost 2 pounds, I don't understand. Can anyone help?


  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    It would be much more helpful if you would open up your diary to the public...
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    You may be losing fat and gaining muscle...try taking your measurements.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    How many inches have u lost? Often that goes down before the scale does...
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Are you eating net 1200 calories after you account for your workout? If you're working out that frequently, it could very well be that you need to up your caloric intake to 1500 - 1600? And don't forget, if you're working out that much, carbs are NOT a bad thing! :)

  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    Maybe your body is in starvation mode?

    My doctor told me thats what happened to me for over a year... I would only eat 1000-1200 calories and burn 500 calories a day...

    I dont know if this is what it is though, it wasnt that for me cause when I started eating more I gained back some weight...

    But I would try it!!!
  • minyME
    minyME Posts: 10
    Why does you're calorie intake vary so widely? 1200-1400 is a difference of 200 calories. When you eat the extra 200 calories are you exercising extra to burn it off?
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    idk how much you weigh... but that is NOT a lot of cals, and are you eating back your workouts cals?? if not... i would say you are definitely NOT eating enough. and if you are over 130 LBS you are DEFINITELY starving yourself... the body will not let go if it doesn't know from where it will get its next meal.....

    hope that helps.

    when i first started, i ate 1200 cals... lost 14 lbs, and stopped dead..... i was 254 lbs and i finally realized i needed more... ate about 1900 and the weight just FELL OFF.

    good luck! you can do this!!!!

    PS. are you eating clean?
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    It all depends on so much. How tall are you, what is your current BMI or weight, what foods are you eating (might be better to open up your diary) What have you set your activity level at and what does a typical day entail.......

    If you are in a healthy weight or only slightly overweight range then it has to come of slower and 1200-1400 might be too low for you especially so if you are active.

    You say you've cut your carbs but veggies and fruit are carbs albeit the best kind so how low?

    Are there any high sodium foods in there

    Where are you in your cycle...could it be water retention disguising losses?
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    In the mean time, I'll take a stab at it:

    You are probably doing one or more of the following:

    1) Eating too few calories - 1200-1400 calories sounds adequate, but is probably not if you are exercising 45-90 minutes, 6 days a week. I'm guessing you burn at least about 300 calories in these workout sessions, which would put you, at best, a net of 1100 calories, which is going to slow down your metabolism and stall your weight loss, so you probably need to eat more.

    2) Track sodium in your diary if not already, keep it under 1500 mg/day.

    3) Not sure what your macros are set as but I personally prefer 40% carbs, 30% fat (mostly from healthy sources) and 30% protein (or aim for 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight).

    4) It's not just calories, QUALITY counts too. Make sure you are eating CLEAN, cut out all of the processed food in your life (or most of it anyway). You can't out train the dinner table. Here's a handy link to help you eat clean:


    Not sure what kind of workouts you do, but I recommend doing HIIT for 15 minutes 2-3x's a week and heavy weight lifting 3-4x's a week.

    If you do all of these things, you should see the scale move again soon.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    If you've only been at this for 4 weeks just give it a bit more time.
    Keep doing what you're doing and see if it changes.
    Don't be too hard on yourself.
    If you're close to your TOM or you're just getting over it when you weighed in,
    you could be holding some water weight.
  • hollybug26
    hollybug26 Posts: 23
    I would try upping your calorie intake. The same happend to me and I took mine from 1200 to 1600 a day and lost about 3 pounds the same week. I work out everyday so I need more calories. Here is a link that may help you.... http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm
  • Right now I weight 163. The 1200 calorie intake is before I log my exercise, I don't eat back in the calories I burn unless I'm supper hungry and even then I eat some fruit or some veggies and I do workout more on the days that I take in more calories.
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    What is your sodium at each day? If that stays high on me I retain fluids.
    TY for opening your diary. It only shows a few days and your sodium level is high. You may be retaining fluids. Like the "Smart Ones" for the first breakfast is low in calories yes BUT they add flavor by adding sodium=salt basically.

    Look at each items sodium...I have to pick and choose each day for my favorites :)
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Even if you're not hungry, I'd try to eat back those exercise calories, I think you've inadvertently slowed your metabolism. Try upping your calories to around 1700/day for a little while, give it a few weeks for your body to adjust and reset your metabolism, you might gain a few pounds at first, but be patient, the weight will come off.

    You have to eat to lose, but again, just make sure you are eating nutrient packed calories. The fruits and veggies are great, but make sure you get plenty of lean meats and whole grains too. :) Avoid salt and sugar as best you can.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Right now I weight 163. The 1200 calorie intake is before I log my exercise, I don't eat back in the calories I burn unless I'm supper hungry and even then I eat some fruit or some veggies and I do workout more on the days that I take in more calories.

    you're weight is 163 but what is your height?
  • Thank you for all the suggestions and tips, I really appreciate if. I am definitely going tobe make some changes!!!!!
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